Cordova / Phonegap plugin for communicating with HTTP servers. Supports iOS and Android.
- Background threading - all requests are done in a background thread.
- SSL Pinning - read more at LumberBlog.
The plugin conforms to the Cordova plugin specification, it can be installed using the Cordova / Phonegap command line interface.
phonegap plugin add
cordova plugin add
This plugin creates a cordovaHTTP service inside of a cordovaHTTP module. You must load the module when you create your app's module.
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ngRoute', 'ngAnimate', 'cordovaHTTP']);
You can then inject the cordovaHTTP service into your controllers. The functions can then be used identically to the examples shown below except that instead of accepting success and failure callback functions, each function returns a promise. For more information on promises in AngularJS read the AngularJS docs. For more info on promises in general check out this article on html5rocks. Make sure that you load cordova.js or phonegap.js after AngularJS is loaded.
This plugin registers a cordovaHTTP
global on window
All available functions are documented below. Every function takes a success and error callback function as the last 2 arguments.
This sets up all future requests to use Basic HTTP authentication with the given username and password.
cordovaHTTP.useBasicAuth("user", "password", function() {
}, function() {
console.log('error :(');
Set a header for all future requests. Takes a header and a value.
cordovaHTTP.setHeader("Header", "Value", function() {
}, function() {
console.log('error :(');
Enable or disable SSL pinning. To use SSL pinning you must include at least one .cer SSL certificate in your app project. You can pin to your server certificate or to one of the issuing CA certificates. For ios include your certificate in the root level of your bundle (just add the .cer file to your project/target at the root level). For android include your certificate in your project's platforms/android/assets folder. In both cases all .cer files found will be loaded automatically. If you only have a .pem certificate see this stackoverflow answer. You want to convert it to a DER encoded certificate with a .cer extension.
As an alternative, you can store your .cer files in the www/certificates folder.
cordovaHTTP.enableSSLPinning(true, function() {
}, function() {
console.log('error :(');
Accept all SSL certificates. Or disable accepting all certificates.
cordovaHTTP.acceptAllCerts(true, function() {
}, function() {
console.log('error :(');
Execute a POST request. Takes a URL, parameters, and headers.
The success function receives a response object with 2 properties: status and data. Status is the HTTP response code and data is the response from the server as a string. Here's a quick example:
status: 200,
data: "{'id': 12, 'message': 'test'}"
Most apis will return JSON meaning you'll want to parse the data like in the example below:"", {
id: 12,
message: "test"
}, { Authorization: "OAuth2: token" }, function(response) {
// prints 200
try { = JSON.parse(;
// prints test
} catch(e) {
console.error("JSON parsing error");
}, function(response) {
// prints 403
//prints Permission denied
The error function receives a response object with 2 properties: status and error. Status is the HTTP response code. Error is the error response from the server as a string. Here's a quick example:
status: 403,
error: "Permission denied"
Execute a GET request. Takes a URL, parameters, and headers. See the post documentation for details on what is returned on success and failure.
cordovaHTTP.get("", {
id: 12,
message: "test"
}, { Authorization: "OAuth2: token" }, function(response) {
}, function(response) {
Uploads a file saved on the device. Takes a URL, parameters, headers, filePath, and the name of the parameter to pass the file along as. See the post documentation for details on what is returned on success and failure.
cordovaHTTP.uploadFile("", {
id: 12,
message: "test"
}, { Authorization: "OAuth2: token" }, "file:///somepicture.jpg", "picture", function(response) {
}, function(response) {
Downloads a file and saves it to the device. Takes a URL, parameters, headers, and a filePath. See post documentation for details on what is returned on failure. On success this function returns a cordova FileEntry object.
cordovaHTTP.downloadFile("", {
id: 12,
message: "test"
}, { Authorization: "OAuth2: token" }, "file:///somepicture.jpg", function(entry) {
// prints the filename
// prints the filePath
}, function(response) {
Authenticate a user to siteMinder. In the following sample the plugin was injected by angular as a module dependancy.
var promise = this.$cordovaHTTP.loginSiteMinder(username, password,authUrl,targetUrl);
function (response){
var data = JSON.parse(;
if(typeof success === "function"){
function (msg){
if( typeof failure === "function"){
This function will remove all the cookies associated with the HTTP connection. It is use to log out. In the following sample the plugin was injected by angular as a module dependancy.
var promise = this.$cordovaHTTP.clearAllCookies();
_this.$log.debug("LOGOUT SUCCEED");
if(typeof success === "function"){
This plugin utilizes some awesome open source networking libraries. These are both MIT licensed:
- iOS - AFNetworking
- Android - http-request
We made a few modifications to http-request. They can be found in a separate repo here:
This plugin isn't equivalent to using XMLHttpRequest or Ajax calls in Javascript. For instance, the following features are currently not supported:
- cookies support (a cookie set by a request isn't sent in subsequent requests)
- read content of error responses (only the HTTP status code and message are returned)
- read returned HTTP headers (e.g. in case security tokens are returned as headers)
Take this into account when using this plugin into your application.