When you have the api running to access the documentation the address will be /apidocs, eg:
All the requirementes os the modules are listed on the file requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
you can use the docker container to run.
Was build 4 diferentes dockerfiles, which gives you tow ways to build you docker image:
This dockerfile content will build a image based on ubuntu, and will perfome many apt-get install on top of ubuntu
sudo docker build -t "face_login_api_1th:Dockerfile" .
This dockerfile content will build a image based onface_login_api_1th, and will perfome many pip installs on top offace_login_api_1th
sudo docker build -t "face_login_api_2nd:Dockerfile" .
To run this image and have your api runngin you can perfome this comand:
docker run --rm -p 5001:5000 face_login_api_3rd:Dockerfile
This dockerfile content will build a image basedface_login_api_2nd, and will perfome many pip installs on top offace_login_api_1th
sudo docker build -t "face_login_api_3rd:Dockerfile" .
To run this image and have your api runngin you can perfome this comand:
docker run --rm -p 5001:5000 face_login_api_full:Dockerfile
sudo docker build --build-arg CACHEBUST=$(date +%s) -t "face_login_api_full:Dockerfile" .
Was build a UI to access with the API, in which the api end point and the enviroment is parametized.
As you can see on the following example:
Where api_url will represent what ever endpoint to the API you have and enviroment_name represents a class room, event, or what ever moment htat you want to identify a especific group of people.