Intelli Dustbin is an embedded system project aimed at automating waste disposal by incorporating LPC 1768 microcontroller, a stepper motor, and an ultrasonic sensor. The system detects the presence of waste using the ultrasonic sensor and automatically opens the lid of the dustbin using the stepper motor, allowing for hands-free waste disposal. This project promotes efficiency, cleanliness, and automation in waste management.
-> LPC 1768 microcontroller
-> Stepper motor
-> Ultrasonic sensor
-> Power supply unit
-> Dustbin container
-> Miscellaneous electronic components (wires, resistors, etc.)
-> Automatic lid opening/closing: The system detects the presence of waste using the ultrasonic sensor and automatically opens the lid of the dustbin using the stepper motor. After disposal, the lid closes automatically.
-> Efficient waste management: Users can dispose of waste without physically touching the dustbin, promoting cleanliness and hygiene.
-> Customizable settings: The system can be programmed to adjust the sensitivity of the ultrasonic sensor and control the speed and direction of the stepper motor.
-> Ultrasonic sensor detects the presence of waste in front of the dustbin.
-> LPC 1768 microcontroller processes the sensor data and triggers the stepper motor to open the lid if waste is detected.
-> After waste disposal, the lid closes automatically.
-> Connect the ultrasonic sensor and stepper motor to the LPC 1768 microcontroller as per the circuit diagram.
-> Upload the provided firmware code to the LPC 1768 using an appropriate IDE or toolchain.
-> Power up the system and calibrate the ultrasonic sensor sensitivity as needed.
-> Test the system by approaching the dustbin with waste material. The lid should open automatically upon detection.