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Luigi's Box Bundle

Luigi's Box integration for Symfony. Luigi's Box documentation can be found here:


  • install with Composer
composer require answear/luigis-box-bundle


  • provide required config data: publicKey and privateKey
  • searchCacheTtl is time to live for Luigi cache request in seconds (max 300 seconds - this is Luigi's Box limit)
# config/packages/answear_luigis_box.yaml
    default_config: second_config_name
            host: '' #default
            publicKey: 'your_public_key'
            privateKey: 'your_private_key'
            connectionTimeout: 4.0 #default
            requestTimeout: 10.0 #default
            searchTimeout: 6.0 #default
            searchCacheTtl: 0 #default
            publicKey: 'your_public_key'
            privateKey: 'your_private_key'

If you have only one config you can omit default_config node. Configs will be passed to \Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\Service\ConfigProvider class.

If you have more configurations you can change them as follows

use Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\Service\ConfigProvider;

/** @var ConfigProvider $configProvider **/

and use application as before.

If you need to pass custom headers to search request do it as follows

use Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\Service\ConfigProvider;

/** @var ConfigProvider $configProvider **/
$configProvider->setHeader('header-name', 'header-value');

/* reset all headers */

Dynamic configurations

You can pass additional configuration.

use Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\DTO\ConfigDTO;
use Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\Service\ConfigProvider;

/** @var ConfigProvider $configProvider **/
$configProvider->addConfig('your_config_name', new ConfigDTO(...));


Content requests

  1. Full content update document
use Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\ValueObject\ContentUpdate;
use Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\ValueObject\ContentUpdateCollection;

// ...

$collection = new ContentUpdateCollection([new ContentUpdate('product title', 'product/url', 'object type', ['field' => 'field 1'])]);

/** @var \Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\Service\RequestInterface $request **/
$apiResponse = $request->contentUpdate($collection);

First argument ($title) will be used as product's title in Luigi's Box unless a title field is present in the $fields argument.

  1. Partial update
use Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\ValueObject\ContentUpdateCollection;
use Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\ValueObject\PartialContentUpdate;

// ...

$collection = new ContentUpdateCollection([new PartialContentUpdate('product/url', 'object type', ['title' => 'product title'])]);

/** @var \Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\Service\RequestInterface $request **/
$apiResponse = $request->partialContentUpdate($collection);
  1. Content removal
use Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\ValueObject\ContentRemoval;
use Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\ValueObject\ContentRemovalCollection;

// ...

$collection = new ContentRemovalCollection([new ContentRemoval('product/url', 'product')]);

/** @var \Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\Service\RequestInterface $request **/
$apiResponse = $request->contentRemoval($collection);
  1. Change availability

Additional method to simply enable/disable objects - partial update will be used.

use Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\ValueObject\ContentAvailability;
use Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\ValueObject\ContentAvailabilityCollection;

// ...

$isAvailable = true;
$collection = new ContentAvailabilityCollection([new ContentAvailability('product/url', $isAvailable)]);

/** @var \Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\Service\RequestInterface $request **/
$apiResponse = $request->changeAvailability($collection);

// ... or pass one object

$isAvailable = true;
/** @var \Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\Service\RequestInterface $request **/
$apiResponse = $request->changeAvailability(new ContentAvailability('product/url', $isAvailable));

In all request you can catch some exceptions:

  • BadRequestException - bad request,
  • TooManyItemsException - make request with fewer items,
  • MalformedResponseException - something went wrong with Luigi's Box api response,
  • TooManyRequestsException - delay request rate,
  • ServiceUnavailableException

Consider catching them separately:

use Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\Exception\BadRequestException;
use Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\Exception\TooManyItemsException;
use Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\Exception\MalformedResponseException;
use Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\Exception\TooManyRequestsException;
use Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\Exception\ServiceUnavailableException;

try {
    // ... request
} catch (BadRequestException $exception){
    //bad request
    $request = $exception->request;
    $response = $exception->response;
} catch (TooManyItemsException $exception){
    //items limit reached
    $limit = $exception->limit;
} catch (MalformedResponseException $exception){
    //bad response
    $response = $exception->response;
} catch (TooManyRequestsException $exception){
    //repeat request after $retryAfter seconds
    $retryAfter = $exception->retryAfterSeconds;
} catch (ServiceUnavailableException $exception){
    //delay request

Content response


  • (bool) $success - true if all documents will be passed successfully,
  • (int) $okCount - number of successfully passed documents,
  • (int) $errorsCount - number of failed documents,
  • (array) $errors - array of \Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\Response\ApiResponseError objects,
  • (array) $rawResponse - decoded response from api.


  • (string) $url - url of document
  • (string) $type - type of error (ex. malformed_input)
  • (string) $reason - failure text (ex. incorrect object format)
  • (array|null) $causedBy - specific reason of error (ex. ["url": ["is missing"]])


ApiResponse::$success will be set to false if any of passed documents fails. Check $okCount if you want to know how many documents were updated and $errors to check exactly which documents failed.

Searching (documentation here)

  1. Request
use Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\ValueObject\SearchUrlBuilder;

// ...

$page = 3;
$urlBuilder = new SearchUrlBuilder($page);
    ->setQuery('nice top')
    ->addFilter('type', 'product')
    ->addFilter('category', 'top')
    ->addFilter('brand', 'Medicine')
    ->addFilter('brand', 'Answear')
    ->addPrefer('brand', 'Answear')
    ->setSort('size', 'asc');

//the above code produces a url query like `size=10&page=3&q=nice+top&f%5B0%5D=type%3Aproduct&f%5B1%5D=category%3Atop&f%5B2%5D=brand%3AMedicine&f%5B3%5D=brand%3AAnswear&sort=size%3Aasc&prefer%5B0%5D=brand%3AAnswear`

/** @var \Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\Service\SearchRequestInterface $request **/
$searchResponse = $request->search($urlBuilder);

Check the Luigi's Box documentation to find out exact purpose of each field SearchUrlBuilder is exposing.

  1. Response

SearchRequest::search() will return a SearchResponse object with following fields:

  • (string) $searchUrl
  • (string) $query
  • (string|null) $correctedQuery
  • (array) $filters
  • (Hit[]) $hits. Hit:
    • (string) $url;
    • (array) $attributes;
    • (array) $nested;
    • (string) $type;
    • (array) $highlight;
    • (bool) $exact;
    • (bool) $alternative;
  • (Hit[]) $quickSearchHits
    • like above
  • (Facet[]) $facets. Facet:
    • (string) $name;
    • (string) $type;
    • (array) $values;
  • (int) $totalHits
  • (int) $currentSize

Update by query (documentation here)

  1. Update
use Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\ValueObject\UpdateByQuery;

// ...
$types = ['product'];
$fields = ['color' => 'green'];
$search = new UpdateByQuery\Search($types, $fields);

$updateFields = ['color' => ['olive', 'emerald']];
$update = new UpdateByQuery\Update($updateFields);

$updateByQuery = new UpdateByQuery($search, $update);

/** @var \Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\Service\UpdateByQueryRequest $request **/
$response = $request->update($updateByQuery);

$jobId = $response->getJobId();
  1. Retrieve job status
use Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\ValueObject\UpdateByQuery;

$jobId = 1;

/** @var \Answear\LuigisBoxBundle\Service\UpdateByQueryRequest $request **/
$response = $request->getStatus($jobId);

getStatus will return UpdateByQueryStatusResponse with following fields:

  • (array) $rawResponse
  • (string) $trackerId
  • (bool) $completed
  • (int|null) $okCount - null if not completed
  • (int|null) $errorsCount - null if not completed
  • (ApiResponseError[]|null) $errors - null if not completed

Final notes

Feel free to make pull requests with new features, improvements or bug fixes. The Answear team will be grateful for any comments.

Have fun!