pillbug Public
Computer-vision driven pillbox status notification system (Bitcamp Hackathon winner 🎉)
MusicMentorApp Public
Python Flask web application for learning fundamental music theory
Java Public
Forked from TheAlgorithms/JavaData Structures + Algorithms
Python Public
Forked from TheAlgorithms/PythonAll Algorithms implemented in Python
react-redux Public
Forked from reduxjs/react-reduxOfficial React bindings for Redux
TravelLite Public
A travel agency web application powered by Django + MySQL + Materialize CSS
Twitter-Clone Public
Twitter-based REST api built with Node.js, NoSQL, and distributed microservice architecture
UNO-game Public
JavaFX Implementation of UNO Card game
FakeNewsClassifier Public
Machine learning models to classify news datasets as real or fake
data-visualization Public
Interactive data visualizations for Kaggle Brooklyn Home Sales data, built using D3.js
stashshack Public
Innovating retail businesses and customer interactions (Hack@CEWIT Hackathon winner for 'Most Innovative' project 🎉)
buildAR Public
Building and visualizing your room with AR - Winner of Best Use of StdLib at Hack Princeton 🎉
MusicMentorBot Public
Facebook Messenger chatbot for fundamental music theory
excelsior-hack Public
Project submission to 'Making College Possible Coding Challenge'