This repository includes Matlab codes for a journal artical submitted to JGR-Planets: Ding et al., 2019, Variations in Martian Lithospheric Strength Based on Gravity/Topography Analysis
This is a repository of the Matlab codes to analyze gravity and topography data of Mars (admittance and correlation analysis) and invert for lithospheric flexural parameters using MCMC method
Codes to plot the observed and modeled spectra, as well as the Markov chains are also included.
For the paper submitted to JGR-Planets: Variations in Martian Lithospheric Strength Based on Gravity/topography Analysis, Ding et al.
Please contact Min Ding ([email protected]) if you have any question.
Created on Jun 14, 2019
Gravity and topography data: The gravity model JGMRO120d and topography model MarsTopo719 from the Geosciences Node of NASA's Planetary Data System ( and from the SHTOOLS package (, respectively.
We used the Matlab codes (alphaB2, alphaT2, cilmn_fac, frigid, gravtabshp4, read_sha, tabload, wiect2p3, gravtabshp4) from Patrick McGovern to model the gravity signature for volcanic montes (Ref: McGovern, P. J., Solomon, S. C., Smith, D. E., Zuber, M. T., Simons, M., Wieczorek, M. A., et al., 2002, Localized gravity/topography admittance and correlation spectra on Mars: Implications for regional and global evolution. JGR-Planets, 19–1.
Matlab codes from Frederik Simons (available online are also necessary for data input/output and analysis, including addmon, addmup, ClebschGordan, xyz2plm, plm2xyz, write_sha, Wiegner3j, verbose, shsin, shoos, sha2grid, etc.
SHTOOLS ( is used to find the localization taper for a given cap radius and wavelength.
Fig7_polar.m, Fig8_splain.m, ..., Fig12_Impact.m: a series of Matlab codes to generate Figures 7-12 in the submitted paper. Those figures compare localized admittance/correlation spectra with inverted models using MCMC method.
/RegionalData: A series of mat files contain the observed admittance and correlation for all the sub-regions. Called by Fig7_polar.m etc. These mat files were created by the first section of the Matlab codes in /RegionalInversionCodes. SHTOOLS (in fortran or python) is needed to compute localized windows , and sha_read.m is needed to read the spherical harmonic coefficients of the localized windows (presumably the file name is Cap#_coef.out).
/RegionalInversionCodes: MCMC inversion codes for each sub-region. Data files in /RegionalData are input for the inversions.
/Subroutines: Key functions for the MCMC inversion (see Text S4 of the submitted paper). localized_synthetic_admcor2.m computes the synthetic admittance and correlation functions for plain and polar regions (see Text S1 of the submitted paper). mcgovern_synthetic_admcor.m calls the function gravtabshp4 from Patrick McGovern to forward model the gravity signal for volcanic montes and Valles Marineris.
/InversionResults: Results of the MCMC inversion using the codes in /RegionalInversionCodes. Called by Fig7_polar.m etc. Also included are codes (PrintResults_*.m) to print the Markov chains and covariance of the target parameters (in the supplement of the submitted paper).