在 github.com/patrickmn/go-cache
- 可注册key删除时,执行后置函数
- 可注册cache flush时,执行的后置函数
- 添加指定时间间隔和指定时刻flush cache的功能 (为了服务长时间运行不出现oom)
- 将初始化方式改为option函数初始化方式
go get github.com/anyanlong/go-cache
import (
func main() {
// 以下初始化效果为
c := cache.NewCache(
cache.WithDefaultExpiration(time.Minute), // key默认过期时间为1分钟
cache.WithCleanupInterval(5*time.Minute), // key全局清理时间为5分钟
cache.WithItemsInitInterval(5*time.Minute), // cache清空时间间隔为5分钟
gocache.WithItemsInitTiming(int64(3*3600)), // cache清空时刻为每日凌晨3点
cache.WithOnFlush(func(cacheSize int) { // 设置cache清空时 执行的函数
log.WithField("cacheSize", cacheSize).Infoln("go - cache flush!!")
cache.WithOnEvicted(func(k string, v interface{}) { // 设置key被删除时 执行的函数
log.WithField("k", k).WithField("v", v).Infoln("go - key deleted!!")
// Set the value of the key "foo" to "bar", with the default expiration time
c.Set("foo", "bar", cache.DefaultExpiration)
// Set the value of the key "baz" to 42, with no expiration time
// (the item won't be removed until it is re-set, or removed using
// c.Delete("baz")
c.Set("baz", 42, cache.NoExpiration)
// Get the string associated with the key "foo" from the cache
foo, found := c.Get("foo")
if found {
// Since Go is statically typed, and cache values can be anything, type
// assertion is needed when values are being passed to functions that don't
// take arbitrary types, (i.e. interface{}). The simplest way to do this for
// values which will only be used once--e.g. for passing to another
// function--is:
foo, found := c.Get("foo")
if found {
// This gets tedious if the value is used several times in the same function.
// You might do either of the following instead:
if x, found := c.Get("foo"); found {
foo := x.(string)
// ...
// or
var foo string
if x, found := c.Get("foo"); found {
foo = x.(string)
// ...
// foo can then be passed around freely as a string
// Want performance? Store pointers!
c.Set("foo", &MyStruct, cache.DefaultExpiration)
if x, found := c.Get("foo"); found {
foo := x.(*MyStruct)
// ...