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Origins 1.9.0 (Minecraft 1.19.4)

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@apace100 apace100 released this 21 May 18:39

[O] marks changes in Origins, [A] marks changes in the underlying Apoli version.

Thanks to BiFT, ThatRobin, eggohito, Dahminh, and diamonddevv for their contributions (listed in no particular order).


[O] Added Ukrainian translation (thanks BiFT#3428 on Discord)
[A] New power type: grounded
[A] New entity actions: grant_advancement, revoke_advancement, selector_action
[A] New block action: area_of_effect
[A] New damage condition: in_tag
[A] Global powers


[O] Updated to 1.19.4
[A] Damage sources have been deprecated in favor of damage types. If you create datapacks, read more about this change here.
[A] action_on_item_use has two new fields: trigger and priority
[A] projectile damage condition has a new field: projectile_condition
[A] enchantment item condition will now check for the total amount (not level) of enchantments on the item if the enchantment field isn't specified
[A] modify_food power type now supports Apoli's custom modifiers
[A] /power command has been reworked
[A] mixin.entity.collisions.suffocation is now automatically disabled if Lithium is installed, preventing problems with phasing
[A] high_humidity and precipitation biome conditions may behave differently than before, due to irreconcilable Vanilla changes

Bug Fixes

[A] A few bug fixes.

More information

Make sure to read the Apoli release notes, as they contain more detailed information, whereas this list is just a condensed version.