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Onboarding Screens (/walkthroughs):
These screens are displayed to the first-time users in mobile apps.
Purpose: to introduce the app and demonstrate what it does.
Splash Screen :
It is the 1st screen of the app → user's first experience with the app.
Usage: to display some animations (typically of the application logo) and illustrations while some data for the next screens are fetched.
Nav Graph :
NavGraph is a collection of NavDestination nodes fetchable by ID.
A NavGraph serves as a 'virtual' destination: while the NavGraph itself will not appear on the back stack, navigating to the NavGraph will cause the starting destination to be added to the back stack.
View Pager :
It's a Layout manager that allows the user to flip left and right through pages of data.
You supply an implementation of a Pager Adapter to generate the pages that the view shows.
Create Splash Screen (Fragment)
Create Navigation Graph
Add NavHost Fragment
Create ViewPager Fragment
Create ViewPager Adapter
Create 3 Onboarding Screens (Fragments)
Implement the logic for ViewPagerFragment fragment
Implement Logic for Splash Screen
Implement Logic for Onboarding Screens
Set onClickListeners on the 'next' buttons on the first 2 onboarding screens
Navigate using the 'finish' button on the last onboarding screen
Check if user has Completed Onboarding
Fix Navigation Backstack
- Resource Manager → Navigation → + → create new nav resource file (agree to add dependencies)
- New destination → Splash fragment
- activity_main → NavHostFragment (i/s Containers)
- Create package 'onboarding'
- onboarding → ViewPagerF (Constraint Layout)
- fragment_view_pager → ViewPager2 - -search- - (agree to add dependencies) {match_parent, match_parent}
- onboarding → ViewPagerAdapter class
- Create package screens i/s the package onboarding
- onboarding → screens → FirstFragment, SecondFragment & ThirdFragment (& layouts)
- ViewPagerF
- Add the 'kotlin-android-extensions' plugin to your app.gradle file (after ensuring the kotlin-android plugin is added)
- nav graph → add destination → ViewPagerF
- SplashF → Navigate to the ViewPagerF
- First Screen (similarly, to the Second Screen)
- nav graph → add destination → create & add HomeF
- Connect the ViewPagerF to the HomeF
- ViewPagerF → Navigate to HomeFragment
- ThirdScreen fragment → Use a SharedPreferences Object to save onboarding finished value: T/F
- nav graph → connect the SplashF w/ the HomeF
- SplashF → Use a SharedPreferences Object to check if onboarding is finished
nav graph ⇒
SplashF → ViewPagerF : popUpTo : SplashF , popUpToInclusive : true
SplashF → HomeF : : SplashF , " "
ViewPagerF → HomeF : : ViewPagerF , " "