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About cloudsec

CloudSec (cloudsecpy on PyPI) is a library and toolkit for formally analyzing security policies in cloud and API systems using Python. It has a modular and extensible architecture allowing it to support multiple backends; currently, z3 and cvc5 are supported, but more backends will be supported in the future. The CloudSec project takes influence from a number of related projects, such as the Z3 Firewall Checker.

Table of Contents

  1. About

  2. Background

  3. Introduction

  4. Installation

  5. Building the Images From Source

  6. Trying the Examples with Docker

  7. Beyond the Introduction: Component Types, Policy Specifications, Variables and Policy Templates

    7a. Defining Custom Policy Types

    7b. Policy Specifications, Variables and Policy Templates

  8. Developing CloudSec


Cloud and API systems are commonly secured through the use of security policies -- rules governing the set of actions that agents (users, services, etc) are authorized to take within the system. For example, AWS uses IAM Policies; Kubernetes provides pod security policies, network policies, RBAC, etc.

Within this context, a common question arises: given two sets of security policies, P and Q, are the rules generated by P and Q equivalent, or is one set strictly more permissive than the other? A particular common case is to let P be some existing policy set and let Q be a policy set that includes a security vulnerability. In this case, determining that P is equivalent to Q (or even just that P=>Q) establishes that the existing policy set contains a vulnerability. These are the types of questions cloudsec tries to help answer.


To get a quick sense of what CloudSec is about, let's assume we have a web API with an authorization model that grants users access to different endpoints in the API. For simplicity, an "endpoint" will be a URL path (e.g., /apps, /jobs, etc) and an HTTP verb (e.g., GET, POST, DELETE, etc.). We can use CloudSec to define a new policy type for our web API with just a few lines of code:

from cloudsec.core import StringComponent, StringEnumComponent, Policy, PolicyType, OneWildcardMatching

username = StringComponent(name="username", 
path = StringComponent(name="path", 
verb = StringEnumComponent(name="verb", 
                           values=["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"], 
WebAPIPolicyType = PolicyType(components=[username, path, verb])

In the code above, we create a new security policy type (WebAPIPolicyType) defined by three parts: the username, representing the identity to be authorized, and the path and verb, together representing an endpoint in our Web API. Note that this small amount of code is all that is needed to define a new policy type -- it would be similarly easy to define a policy type for other kinds of systems.

Once we have a policy type defined, we can create and analyze policies. Creating policies amounts to providing values for each of the components (username, path and verb, in the case above) as well as a specical decision field which all policy types inherit. The decision field takes one of two values: allow or deny, indicating whether the policy authorizes or does not authorize the action.

Here we create two policies:

p = Policy(policy_type=WebAPIPolicyType, 

q = Policy(policy_type=WebAPIPolicyType, 

In the first policy, p, we authorize the user "jstubbs" for the GET /apps endpoint. In the second, q, we authorize the same user for all verbs on the /apps path. The * is a wildcard which indicates any value. We can use wildcard characters when defining any of the values in our policies.

We can now analyze these two policies using a cloudSec PolicyEquivalenceChecker.

checker = PolicyEquivalenceChecker(policy_type=WebAPIPolicyType, 

The checker object has methods that allow us to analyze the equivalence of the two policy sets, [p] and [q]:

# p implies q here, because p is less permissive
result = checker.p_implies_q()
  --> True

# q does not imply p; q is strictly more permissive
result = checker.q_implies_p()
  --> False
  --> True
  --> [verb = "PUT", path = "/apps", username = "jstubbs"]

First we check if p => q, and cloudSec finds the result is proved. That's because every action authorized by our p policy is indeed authorized by q. Next, we check if q => p. Here, cloudSec shows the result is not proved and in fact it found a counter example. Indeed, p is strictly less permissive than q, and the result.model provides an example of an action that is authorized by q but not p. Note that in the case above, cloudSec is leveraging the z3 theorem prover, but we could have used cvc5 instead -- all we would need to do is specify backend="c5c5" when constructing the PolicyEquivalenceChecker instance.


The CloudSec library is available on pypi as cloudsecpy. Install using poetry, pip, etc. For example:

poetry add cloudsecpy

Note that CloudSec depends on SMT solvers, such as Z3 and cvc5. The python package will install the necessary dependent packages, e.g., z3-solver.

The project also provides Docker images with cloudsecpy and its dependencies preinstalled. THe following images are maintained:

  • -- Base image with CloudSec software and dependencies.
  • -- Extends the base image with examples.
  • -- Extends the examples image with a complete performance test suite.

You can download any of the images above using the Docker CLI, for example:

docker pull

Building the Images From Source

You can also build any and all of the Docker images from source. First, clone this git repository:

git clone
cd cloudsec

Then, use the Makefile to generate the images. For example, to build all of the images with one command:

make build

See the Makefile for commands to build specific images.

Building ARM64 Image from Source

To build ARM64 based docker image from source, we have to build it manually using the following command:

$ docker build -t -f Dockerfile-arm64 .

Once ARM64 based docker image is built, see the Makefile for commands to build specific images manually. For example, to build cloudsec-tests image, use the following command:

$ docker build -t -f Dockerfile-tests .

Trying the Examples with Docker

With the images installed locally, we can try out the examples in a Docker container. Start a container with the CloudsSec software and examples using docker (change the image name if you built from source):

$ docker run -it --rm --entrypoint=bash --name=sec

From within the container, start a Python shell and import the examples: (Have a look at the file, contained within the examples directory, for all the definitions of the objects used below.)

# from within the container started above,

>>> from examples_z3 import *

>>> result = checker.p_implies_q()

# p => q is True, meaning that the p policy set is less permissive than the q policy set
# i.e., any activity allowed by p is also allowed by q.
>>>  result.proved

>>> result = checker.q_implies_p()

# q => p is False, however, because q is NOT less permissive than p; that is, q allows some activities
# that p does not allow.
>>> result.proved

# In fact, cloudsec was able to find a counter example to the statement q => p; i.e., it was able to find
# an activity allowed by q but not by p.
>>> result.found_counter_ex

# the result.model contains a counter example to the q => p statement; i.e., it contains an example of
# an activity that is allowed by the q policy set but not by the q policy set. 
>>> result.model
[action = "PUT",
 resource_path = "s2/home/jstubbs",
 resource_service = "files",
 resource_tenant = "a2cps",
 principal_username = "jstubbs",
 principal_tenant = "a2cps"]

Beyond the Introduction: Component Types, Policy Specifications, Variables and Policy Templates

Defining Custom Policy Types

The CloudSec library is designed to provide reusable components you can use to build your own security policy types representing the policies of your application. There are two types of building blocks provided by CloudSec that can be used for defining your own policy types: types where the underlying data are strings, and types where the underlying data are bit vectors. We discuss the string types first.

String Types

CloudSec currently provides 3 different base types for working with string data in security policies: StringComponent, StringEnumComponent, and TupleComponent. All three descend from the base class, BaseComponent, and allow for policies with wildcard (*) characters by utilizing regular expression constraints over the theory of strings.

The StringEnumComponent Type

The core.StringEnumComponent type can be used for strings that can take a fixed, finite set of values. The cloud.action type, representing an HTTP verb, is a good example of a StringEnumComponent because instances of the type can only take on one of the following values: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE or *. In general, StringEnumComponent values cannot contain a wildcard with other characters; e.g., P* is not a valid action value.

To create a new type based on StringEnumComponent, specify the name of the component, the allowable values for the new type and a matching_type:

example_enum = StringEnumComponent(name="example_enum", 
                                   values=['value_1', 'value_2', 'value_3'],

The matching_type=OneWildcardMatching() specifies that we allow matching with one wildcard character. Currently, this is one of two supported matching types in CloudSec, the other being ExactMatching() which precludes the use of wildcards. Support for additional matching types is planned for future releases.

The StringComponent Type

The core.StringComponent type can be used for strings that can take arbitrary values from a specified character set. A username in a cloud system is an example of something we might model with a StringComponent type, if we do not consider the list of usernames in our system to be a fixed, finite list (otherwise, StringEnumComponent would be a better choice). Unlike StringEnumComponent, a StringComponent value can contain wildcard characters with other characters.

To create a type based on StringComponent, one needs to specify the name, character set, maximum length, and the matching type. Here's an example representing a "path" (from the module):

path = StringComponent(name="path", 

The cloud module makes use of StringComponent for usernames as well.

The TupleComponent Type

The core.TupleComponent type is useful for types that are really the composition of multiple StringComponent and/or StringEnumComponent types that should be thought of individually for the purposes of wildcard matching, but should be thought of as a single value in the overall policy.

We illustrate the concept using the example of a principal (a user identity) in a multi-tenant cloud system. In such a system, every user belongs to some tenant, and it is typical to represent an end-user identity as a username together with a tenant id. For example, for the jsmith user in the foo tenant, we might write the principal as (or jsmith@foo, etc). For security policies in such a system that authorize principal(s) for one or more resources/actions, it is important to match the entire principal (user and tenant). For example, a security policy that authorizes (jsmith in the bar tenant) for some resources has no bearing on the user. However, with wildcard characters, we want the wildcard to apply to only one component of the principal. For example, *.foo would be all users in the foo tenant, while jsmith*.foo would be all users in the foo tenant whose username starts with jsmith.

We can create a new tuple type from existing types by using the TupleComponent class and specifying a fields attribute. The fields attribute is a list of previously defined components (StringComponent and/or StringEnumComponent).

To complete the example, here is how we might define our principal type as a tuple of tenant and username types, described above:

tenant = StringEnumComponent(name="tenant", 
                             values=set(["tenant1", "tenant2", "tenant3"]),

username = StringComponent(name="username", 
principal = TupleComponent(name="principal", fields=[tenant, username])

Policy Specifications, Variables and Policy Templates

A primary motivating use case for CloudSec is to formally prove or disprove that a set of policies in the real world conforms to a set of rules that dictates what kinds of policies are "allowable". CloudSec suggests the following approach: let P be the set of policies that exist in our real world system, and define the complete set of all "allowable" policies as Q. Then, use CloudSec to show either: 1) P => Q, in which case the policies in our real world system are all "safe"; or 2) P NOT=> Q, in which case CloudSec can return a counter example which will constitute a policy that is not safe.

We refer to the set of all allowable policies for a system (the set Q in the example above) as a policy specification. In general, defining the policy specification for a system is very difficult. One of the challenges is that policies evolve over time: new users are added, resources are created, modified and deleted, etc., and the security policies must be updated to reflect the changes.

To support capturing the evolving nature of the security policies in a concise way, CloudSec provides support for defining policies with variables. We refer to policies that include variables as policy templates because typically, they represent a family of policies.

As a motivating example, consider a shared Unix file system supporting multiple users. Each user has a home directory where they have exclusive read/write access. We might model the security policies for such as a system in CloudSec as follows:

username = StringComponent(name="username", 
path = StringComponent(name="path", 
permission_level = StringEnumComponent(name="permission_level", 
                                       values=["read", "write", "execute"], 
FileSystemPolicyType = PolicyType(components=[username, path, permission_level])

With this model, we can represent the permission individual users have on their home directory as follows:

joe_home_dir_policy = Policy(policy_type=FileSystemPolicyType,
smruti_home_dir_policy = Policy(policy_type=FileSystemPolicyType,

Here, we have declared that user jstubbs and user spadhy should have access to their respective home directories. But what about other users? Using variables, we can specify that every user should have access to their home directory in one, succint policy template, as follows:

home_dir_policy_template = Policy(policy_type=FileSystemPolicyType,
                                  username="{{ username }}", 
                                  path="/home/{{ username }}/*",

We enclose CloudSec variable names in {{ }}; here, we are using the username variable. Note that CloudSec defines free variables for each field in a policy; for fields within a tuples, the variable name is <tuple_name>_<field_name>.

We can now use CloudSec to check that our first two policies imply (i.e., are no more permissive) than the policy template:

checker = PolicyEquivalenceChecker(policy_type=FileSystemPolicyType,
                                   policy_set_p=[joe_home_dir_policy, smruti_home_dir_policy],

result = checker.p_implies_q()
  --> True

We can think of home_dir_policy_template as the policy specification for this case. With this approach, if we add another user to the system and a corresponding third home directory policy to our set, the implication will still hold.

Developing CloudSec

The cloudsec library includes a test suite based on pytest. The Makefile can be used to build the tests container image and run the tests:

# Build the tests image 
$ make build-tests
# Run the tests
$ make test


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