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Terraform AWS Account Baseline Alarms

The following repository contains a Terraform module that creates CloudWatch alarms for the AWS account baseline. The alarms are based on the CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark v1.4.0. Notifications for these can be sent to email, Slack and or Microsoft teams.


module "account_baseline_alarms" {
  source  = "appvia/alarm-baseline/aws"
  version = "0.0.1"

  notification = {
    email = {
      addresses = ["[email protected]"]

  enable_no_mfa_console_signin = true


Name Version
aws ~> 5.0


Name Description Type Default Required
notification The configuration for how to send notifications.
email = optional(object({
addresses = list(string)
}), null)
slack = optional(object({
lambda_name = optional(string, "alarms-notifications")
webhook_url = string
}), null)
teams = optional(object({
webhook_url = string
}), null)
n/a yes
tags A map of tags to add to all resources map(string) n/a yes
accounts_id_to_name_parameter_arn The ARN of the parameter that contains the account ID to name mapping. This ARN will be attached to lambda execution role as a resource, therefore a valid resource must exist. e.g 'arn:aws:ssm:eu-west-2:0123456778:parameter/myorg/configmaps/accounts_id_to_name_mapping' to enable the lambda retrieve values from ssm. string null no
alarm_namespace The cloudwatch alarm namespace. string "cis-benchmark" no
cloudtrail_log_group_name The name of the CloudTrail log group to filter on. string "aws-controltower/CloudTrailLogs" no
cloudwatch_log_group_retention The retention period for the cloudwatch log group (for lambda function logs) in days string "0" no
create_sns_topic The boolean flag whether to create the SNS topic for alarms. bool true no
enable_administrator_sso_activity The boolean flag whether the administrator_sso_activity alarm is enabled or not. bool true no
enable_aws_config_changes The boolean flag whether the aws_config_changes alarm is enabled or not. bool true no
enable_aws_extended_support_alerts The boolean flag whether the eventbridge rules for extended support (EKS/RDS) billing alerts are enabled or not. bool true no
enable_breakglass_activity The boolean flag whether the breakglass_logins alarm is enabled or not. bool true no
enable_cloudtrail_cfg_changes The boolean flag whether the cloudtrail_cfg_changes alarm is enabled or not. bool true no
enable_console_signin_failures The boolean flag whether the console_signin_failures alarm is enabled or not. bool true no
enable_disable_or_delete_cmk The boolean flag whether the disable_or_delete_cmk alarm is enabled or not. bool true no
enable_iam_changes The boolean flag whether the iam_changes alarm is enabled or not. bool true no
enable_mfa_console_signin_allow_sso The boolean flag whether the no_mfa_console_signin alarm allows SSO auth to be ignored. bool false no
enable_nacl_changes The boolean flag whether the nacl_changes alarm is enabled or not. bool true no
enable_network_gw_changes The boolean flag whether the network_gw_changes alarm is enabled or not. bool true no
enable_no_mfa_console_signin The boolean flag whether the no_mfa_console_signin alarm is enabled or not. bool true no
enable_organizations_changes The boolean flag whether the organizations_changes alarm is enabled or not. bool true no
enable_root_usage The boolean flag whether the root_usage alarm is enabled or not. bool true no
enable_route_table_changes The boolean flag whether the route_table_changes alarm is enabled or not. bool true no
enable_s3_bucket_policy_changes The boolean flag whether the s3_bucket_policy_changes alarm is enabled or not. bool true no
enable_security_group_changes The boolean flag whether the security_group_changes alarm is enabled or not. bool true no
enable_unauthorized_api_calls The boolean flag whether the unauthorized_api_calls alarm is enabled or not. bool true no
enable_vpc_changes The boolean flag whether the vpc_changes alarm is enabled or not. bool true no
identity_center_role The name of the role to use when redirecting through Identity Center string null no
identity_center_start_url The start URL of your Identity Center instance string null no
sns_topic_name The name of the SNS topic to create for alarms. string "cis-benchmark-alarms" no


Name Description
sns_topic_arn The ARN of the SNS topic