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Query API

Marcus Klemm edited this page Aug 10, 2018 · 14 revisions

class graphit.EESQuery

Create complex ElasticSearch queries. Returns a graphit.EESQuery instance that can be passed to graphit.GraphitSession.query() or used as a sub–clause in another query.

Public API

__init__(*clauses, operation='AND')

  • *clauses: Arbitrary number of query clauses, either a str containing a valid ElasticSearch query string or another instance of EESQuery.
  • operation: The logical operation by that the clauses should be linked, one of "AND" (default), "OR" or "NOT" (in case of multiple clause, "NOT" will be translated to NOT ( clause1 OR clause2 OR ...))


Add additional clauses to an existing Query.

  • *clauses: Arbitrary number of query clauses, either a str containing a valid ElasticSearch query string or another instance of EESQuery.

    ⚠️ Opposed to the direct use of graphit.GraphitSession.query(), there is no need to escape characters like /, in fact that would lead to an invalid query.


Remove all clauses from an existing Query.


Render the EESQuery object, returns the final query string as str, so it can be passed to the query method of a GraphitSession

class graphit.GremlinQuery

Create Gremlin queries. Returns a graphit.GremlinQuery instance that can be passed to graphit.GraphitSession.query().

Public API

__init__(root, query=None)

  • root: Starting point of the graph traversal, a str containing a valid ogit/_id.
  • query: A str containing a valid Gremlin query string.

class graphit.VerbQuery

Create a simple "verb" query that returns the nodes that are connected to a certain node by a specific verb. Returns a graphit.VerbQuery instance that can be passed to graphit.GraphitSession.query().

Public API

__init__(root, verb, ogit_types=None, direction='both')

  • root: Starting point of the query, a str containing a valid ogit/_id.
  • verb: A strcontaining a valid ogit/_type for verbs/edges.
  • ogit_types: A list (or other iterable) of str containing a valid ogit/_type for nodes/vertices. Limits the result set to nodes of these types.
  • direction: One of "in", "out" or "both" (default), return only nodes that are connected by incoming or outgoing edges or return all connected nodes, respectively.

class graphit.IDQuery

Create a Multi-ID query. Returns a graphit.IDQuery instance that can be passed to graphit.GraphitSession.query().

Public API


  • *node_ids: Arbitrary number of str containing an ogit/_id.


Build and execute an ElasticSearch query

q1 = graphit.EESQuery(

( ogit\/_type:"ogit\/BusinessProcess\/DataObject" AND ogit\/_owner:"" )

q1.append('ogit/_modified-on:[now-7d TO now]')

( ogit\/_type:"ogit\/BusinessProcess\/DataObject" AND ogit\/_owner:"" AND ogit\/_modified\-on:[now\-7d TO now] )

q2 = graphit.EESQuery('ogit/_id:"cjkmq4st02xseyd33qkutr6ut"', q1, operation='OR')

( ogit\/_id:"cjkmq4st02xseyd33qkutr6ut" OR ( ogit\/_type:"ogit\/BusinessProcess\/DataObject" AND ogit\/_owner:"" AND ogit\/_modified\-on:[now\-7d TO now] ) )

for item in session.query(q2, limit=1000, fields=['ogit/_id', '/MyCustomAttribute']):

Run a Gremlin query

q3 = graphit.GremlinQuery(

for item in session.query(q3):

Run a Verb query

q4 = graphit.VerbQuery(

for item in session.query(q4):