InstaWeather is a weather forecast and conditions app. Type in any city, address, and even landmark name to get the current and 7-day weather forecast.
live demo:
Built with...
REACT, NEXT.JS, THEME-UI, MOMENTJS and third-party api's:
- Unsplash - image api:
- Mapbox - Geocoding api:
- Openweathermap - OneCall api:
This is a starter template for Learn Next.js.
- to access 'webkit' property: write 1st letter capitalized. Ex) 'WebkitBackgroundClip"
- for breakpoints: 1st in array is min-width and EVERYTHING BELOW that point, the rest act the same as 'min-width'. ex) breakpoints ['400px', '500px', '800px']
- for breakpoints: in array start from lowest to highest min-width
- to use keyframes: w/in the same object where animation name was called create a keyframes object with quotes and exact syntax. Ex) "@keyframes blob": { "0%": { ///properties here }... }