data collection tool for web archive graph visualization (LinkGate)
link-indexer is the tool that runs on web archive storage where WARC/ARC files are kept and collects outlinks data to feed to link-serv to load into the graph data store. In a subsequent phase of the project, collected data may include details besides outlinks to enrich the visualization.
Input to the tool is WAT files, which are generated from WARC/ARC files.
archive-metadata-extractor was once used to generate WAT files.
That tool, however, seems to generate WAT files that are invalid.
“... the metadata records in this WAT are missing a \r\n at the end of the body -- there are supposed to be 2 pairs, and there's only 1. So yes, it's invalid.”
Use instead webarchive-commons:
Assuming Java and Maven are there, build webarchive-commons as follows:
git clone
cd webarchive-commons/
mvn clean install
Then look under the target/
subdirectory for the JAR file.
Run the following to generate wat.gz from some file.warc.gz or arc.gz:
java -cp target/webarchive-commons-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.archive.extract.ResourceExtractor -wat file.warc.gz > file.wat.gz
Use a tool such as Ansible, dsh, or pdsh (among many others) for ad-hoc execution on multiple hosts in a distributed environment. You may also use a configuration management tool (again, such as Ansible) to configure a cronjob or similar on each host in the distributed environment to periodically execute link-indexer.
Install the following prerequisites:
# pip3 install warcio urlcanon python-dateutil retry requests configargparse