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Levente Polyak edited this page Jul 21, 2017 · 1 revision


  • If possible, prefer writing a test case for whatever you add, change or fix.
  • Always run the whole test suite before submitting a new pull request.

Coding Style

Keep indention and style consistency in mind and double-check your commit diffs before pushing.


  • Python:
    • Indention: 4 spaces
    • Style: full PEP except max line length on judgement (E501)
    • Indention: 1 tab

Vim settings

  • Python:
     foldmethod=indent tabstop=4 expandtab
     let g:syntastic_python_flake8_args='--ignore=E501'
    foldmethod=indent noexpandtab

Git pull-request


  1. Always amend or interactive rebase and force push changes (don't add adjustment commits on top).
  2. Try to limit the number of commits and prefer to use a single commit for small changes.
  3. Never do merge commits, rebase the master into your branch to update it.
  4. Never use the Update branch feature on GitHub (create a merge commit)
  5. Always add a single component before the commit message where the change belongs to (look at the history for inspiration)
  6. If there is a matching open issue, reference it like Fixes #1 in the extended commit message


  1. Don't be too conservative if you see any potential problem (that's not blaming)
  2. Find a logical and objective consensus
  3. Never skip a review just because there are already approvals (more is better)


  1. Always wait for at least 2 approvals (possibly more, especially for huger changes)
  2. Never apply when there is any disapproval left, always try to find a consensus
  3. Use the "rebase and merge" feature or consider using "squash and merge" if too much noisy commits were added
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