This will be a place to store practice problems for Python. There will be varying levels of problems available looking at different required skills.
Challenges are broken down into levels. Each level assumes you have some base subset of tools from the python toolkit. As a stretch goal, try implementing tools from upper skill levels against lower level practice problems. See if doing so makes the program more efficient.
Also implementing things like input validation, error handling or logging is another way to expand on these practice problems.
The expected tools are as follows:
Variables, if, elif, and else statements, print(), type()
Basic data types: Integers, Strings, Floats, Boolean
Basic Math: +, -, *, /, +=, -=, *=, /=
While and For Loops, range(), len(), str(), int()
Intermediate Data Types: Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries
Intermediate Math: **, //, %
Command line arguments, external file reading, substring parsing, importing default modules
All other data types not previously mentioned
All other math operators not previously mentioned
User generated Functions and Modules, input validation, error handling
if __name__ == '__main__'
External File writing and handling, Logging
Connecting to external resources over a network
Utilizing self built classes, list comprehensions, and any other Python tool or module not previously mentioned