Scenario that fails:
- User on shard 0 calls contract on shard 1
- Contract on shard 1 calls another contract on shard 0 and in the callback transfers token to user on shard 0
- Fails with error:
Error: Unsuccessful proxy request. Response: {
"data": null,
"error": "cannot generate blocks: something went wrong, transaction is still in pending",
"code": "internal_issue"
npm install
npm run build
npm run test
The contract (./
pub trait Contract {
fn self_proxy(&self, remote_address: ManagedAddress) -> self::Proxy<Self::Api>;
fn call_remote(&self, remote_address: ManagedAddress) {
let payment = self.call_value().egld_or_single_esdt();
let caller = self.blockchain().get_caller();
.callback(self.callbacks().call_remote_callback(caller, payment))
fn call_remote_callback(
caller: ManagedAddress,
payment: EgldOrEsdtTokenPayment<Self::Api>,
) {
self.send().direct(&caller, &payment.token_identifier, payment.token_nonce, &payment.amount);
fn do_nothing(&self) {}
The test (./
test("Test", async () => {
using world = await FSWorld.start();
const userShard0 = await world.createWallet({
address: { shard: 0 },
balance: 10n ** 18n,
const [contractShard0, contractShard1] = await world.createContracts([
address: { shard: 0 },
code: "file:output/contract.wasm",
address: { shard: 1 },
code: "file:output/contract.wasm",
await userShard0.callContract({
callee: contractShard1,
funcName: "call_remote",
funcArgs: [contractShard0],
gasLimit: 50_000_000,
value: 1,