Goal: Use rfid reader with raspberry pi.
1. When presented with an appropriate rfid tag (uem4100), rfid reader gives raspberry pi a message through serial (uart pins).
2. Raspberry pi (code below) parses key from valid message and checks the key against a text file (access control list).
3. Raspberry pi opens door.
rfid reader - http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/Electronic-brick-125Khz-RFID-Card-Reader-p-702.html
rfid wiki - http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/index.php?title=Electronic_brick_-_125Khz_RFID_Card_Reader
raspberry pi model b revision 2.0
To Use:
The code is ready to be used on a raspberry pi connected to an rfid reader (through uart). Open (or create) the text file named 'acl'. Add an id and key, seperated by '|'. For example
1|04023AF855 <-- '1' is the id associated with the key '04023AF855'
2|03003AA855 <-- '2' is the id associated with the key '03003AA855'
To Test (without a pi and/or rfid reader) Open reader.py and follow the instructions in the test section.