Application allows you to control GPIO port on Pi devices via android application client or build in www client.
Main features:
- Control the states of output pins
- Read the states of input pins
- Control software PWM output pins
- Link multiple pi devices
- Create sequential execution chains through all linked pi devices
- Define and run custom shell commands
- Read/store data from sensors
- build in support for temperature DS18B20, temperature and humidity DHT*, Luminosity Sensor TSL2561, Rotary encoder KY040, Range sensor HC-SR04
- custom sensor (create own script to return value)
- Transmit or recive radio frequency codes with generic low-cost GPIO RF modules
- Create automated actions to change output/pwm, execude chain sequence, transmit RF or run custom command, such actions can have multiple triggers through all linked pi devices with custom conjunction
- Create android desktop widget for fast output change, read sensors value or execude chain sequence
- Setup android notification base on output/input status or sensor value
wget -O rgc-install.tar.gz
tar -zxvf rgc-install.tar.gz
cd rgc
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-dev python-crypto python-systemd python-pip postgresql libpq-dev postgresql-client
sudo pip install psycopg2 psutil
sudo su postgres
createuser pi -P --interactive # set super user to yes
sudo chmod 644
sudo bash
sudo nano rgc-config.ini # configure sql connection there and any other parameters as neded
Every time when above config is changed run:
sudo systemctl restart rgc.service
Keep time on server and client synchronized (diffrent timezones are supported).
Use commands to control server app:
sudo systemctl start rgc.service
sudo systemctl stop rgc.service
sudo systemctl restart rgc.service
sudo systemctl status rgc.service
journalctl -u rgc.service # to see logs in case of problems
cd /home/pi # or go to rgc main folder destination
wget -O rgc-update.tar.gz
tar -zxvf rgc-update.tar.gz
sudo systemctl restart rgc.service
Tested and working on Raspberry Pi devices with Raspiain OS.
Tested and working with Banana Pi devices with this library.
Tested and working with Orange Pi Zero devices with this library. (Import replacement from "import RPi.GPIO as GPIO" to "import OPi.GPIO as GPIO" in file is necessary)
Should work on similar devices/OS's but it requires a library RPi.GPIO (Raspbian OS already has it) or another based on it.
Remote GPIO control server is available under the MIT license.
If you like this project please consider a donation: