⭐ Features
- feat: load agent configuration every 15 minutes by @mr3 in #188
- feat: uuid/nextInt replay return default value by @YongwuHe #186
- feat: support delayed start agent by @mr3 in #179
- feat: add record data size limit by @YongwuHe in #178
- feat: add spring cache filter by @YongwuHe in #172
- feat: record dubbo request param type by @lucas-myx in #167
- feat: support dynamic retransform by @YongwuHe @mr3 in #160
- feat: support generics and nested types by @YongwuHe in #154
- feat: compatible with non-standard REST interface request to obtain body logic by @MentosL @mr3 in #146
🐞 Bug fixes
- fix: change dynamic class status to UNCHANGED after first install by @mr3 in #190
- fix: gson date deserialize error by @YongwuHe in #181
- fix: copy body to resposne after record by @mr3 in #180
- fix: NPE by WeakCache put null value by @mr3 in #177
- fix: servlet clear traceId by @lucas-myx in #176
- fix: remove previous request trace context by @mr3 in #173
- fix: ForkJoinTask inner class not transform by @YongwuHe in #168
- fix: StringUtil join null error by @YongwuHe in #165
- fix: arex trace context clear by @lucas-myx in #163
- fix: jdk11 LocalDateTime deserialize error @YongwuHe in #162
- fix: record servlet request redirect by @mr3 in #161
- fix: correct health check timeout unit by @lucas-myx in #159
- fix: optimize dynamic class filtering logic by @YongwuHe in #156
- fix: apache http client class cast error by @YongwuHe in #155
- fix: remove unserialized properties with using the tk.myabtis framework by @MentosL in #153
- fix: strict check config by @lucas-myx in #151
- fix: dynamic replace method throw null point exception by @YongwuHe in #149
- fix: dynamic repeat transform override method by @YongwuHe in #147
- fix: guava SingletonImmutableList class deserialize error by @YongwuHe in #141
🔧 Optimization
- feat: optimize trace context transmit by @mengqcc @lucas-myx in #171
- feat: optimize load agent config by @mr3 in #157
- feat: optimize attach by @lucas-myx in #140
🛠️ Dependency Upgrade
AREX would like to thank the following contributors for their contributions to this release:
@mengqcc @lucas-myx @YongwuHe @MentosL @mr3