Releases: arextest/arex-storage
Releases · arextest/arex-storage
What's Changed
- fix: the value of callReplayMax sets zero by @coryhh in #242
- feat: pinned case support AutoPinned provider by @sljoyy in #241
- feat: remove single mocker by @sljoyy in #243
- feat: add exclusion configs for load interface by @wildeslam in #239
- feat: Add expiration time to AutoPinned table by @pangdayuan1 in #247
- feat: add SQL parsing time-consuming metric by @yanni97 in #245
- feat: Use the config configuration in the public common package by @pangdayuan1 in #244
- fix: metricListenerList may be empty so modify the injection method by @yanni97 in #249
- feat: strictly limited to the same recordId by @sljoyy in #250
- feat: When a case is deduplicated, update the case status by @pangdayuan1 in #251
- feat: recording details interface output case path by @pangdayuan1 in #248
- feat: import the bean of “ConfigProvider” by @coryhh in #253
- Fixed the issue of duplicate data insertion during replay by @pangdayuan1 in #252
- feat: add findByAppId method by @pangdayuan1 in #254
- feat: add updateServiceConfigTime by @coryhh in #255
- feat: add parsing success or failure metric by @yanni97 in #256
- feat: verify record config by @coryhh in #257
- feat: Modify the number of core threads saved in batches by @pangdayuan1 in #258
- feat: When query Scene Collection, only the recordId field is queried by @pangdayuan1 in #259
- fix:response code by @coryhh in #260
- feat: compare result idx by @QizhengMo in #261
- chore: update version to 1.2.27 by @coryhh in #263
- fix: trimJson by @wildeslam in #246
- fix: machine limit by @QizhengMo in #264
- fix: Invalidates cases that fail to be saved in bulk by @pangdayuan1 in #265
- feat: add coverage log by @pangdayuan1 in #266
- feat: add batchSaveReplayResult interface by @pangdayuan1 in #268
- feat: add batchQueryMockers interface by @pangdayuan1 in #269
- feat: modify jsqlparser version by @yanni97 in #270
- fix: Modify the return type of the batchQueryMockers method by @pangdayuan1 in #271
- feat: remove updateExpirationTime method by @pangdayuan1 in #272
- fix: the issue that cache load fails to load is fixed by @pangdayuan1 in #273
- fix: Fixed the issue that there was no matching relationship between … by @pangdayuan1 in #275
- feat: coverage event ext by @QizhengMo in #276
- feat: support local desensitization by @coryhh in #277
- feat: Calculating eigen values can remove noise data by @pangdayuan1 in #278
- Feat/jdk21 by @QizhengMo in #280
- use system time while adding mock by @binyu1005 in #281
- fix: nullPointer in base64 pattern by @coryhh in #282
Full Changelog: v0.6.5...v0.6.5.2
Full Changelog: v0.6.5...v0.6.5.1
What's Changed
- refactor: switch to mongo template by @QizhengMo in #192
- chore: modify HttpWebServiceApiClient to send request by @coryhh in #194
- refactor: use ttlthread to wrap threadpool by @coryhh in #195
- chore: improve HttpWebServiceApiClient by @coryhh in #197
- refactor: switch to mongo template by @QizhengMo in #198
- fix: missing upsert by @QizhengMo in #200
- Chore/bump version by @QizhengMo in #201
- fix: missing operations by @QizhengMo in #202
- feat: remove flushAppName to OldCleaner by @coryhh in #203
- refactor: improve the AppAuthAspect by @coryhh in #204
- fix: obj codec by @QizhengMo in #206
- chore: update version to 0.1.26 by @coryhh in #208
- feat: Supports replayCase interface to customize fields not to be output by @pangdayuan1 in #209
- feat: generate database mocker operation name from sql parsing by @yanni97 in #207
- feat: modify pom version by @yanni97 in #210
- fix: mongo conversion by @QizhengMo in #211
- fix: DatabaseUtils sql parse by @mr3 in #212
- fix: bump jsqlparser version to fix sql parse with keyword by @mr3 in #213
- Feat/send scene by @QizhengMo in #215
- refactor: scene pool provider to mongo template by @QizhengMo in #217
- feat: add batchSave and queryMockers method by @pangdayuan1 in #214
- fix: Handle non-Parameterized type in read method and log error by @pangdayuan1 in #218
- feat: add exclusion configs for load interface by @wildeslam in #219
- feat: add the method "setTargetRequest" and "setTargetResponse" of Mocker by @coryhh in #220
- feat: add useMock field by @wildeslam in #222
- feat: support the config of "spring-redis" by @coryhh in #224
- fix: need to add expiration time to redis matchedRecordInstanceIds key by @pangdayuan1 in #225
- feat:Limit SQL length to avoid Stack Overflow by @yanni97 in #223
- fix: modify inject method by @yanni97 in #227
- fix: redundant record-id field in entrypoint by @QizhengMo in #228
- feat: add mock convert by @coryhh in #226
- feat: add the operation "queryMockersTest" by @coryhh in #230
- feat: using replace to update DynamicConfiguration by @coryhh in #231
- fix: SQL parsing needs to exclude SQL starting with exec sp by @yanni97 in #232
- feat: Solve the problem of missed data deletion in coverage handle by @pangdayuan1 in #233
- feat: update arex-common version by @pangdayuan1 in #236
- feat: add mocker transform switch by @coryhh in #235
- fix: the problem of calculating the recordCallReplayMax by @coryhh in #238
- feat: configure mocker expiration time by @pangdayuan1 in #240
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.6.4...v0.6.5
What's Changed
- Feat/mock compare ignore by @coryhh in #166
- feat: add SystemConfiguration repo by @wildeslam in #167
- Fix/package error by @wildeslam in #168
- feat: add delete function by @wildeslam in #169
- feat: not query end time data by @pangdayuan1 in #171
- feat: pinned scene set updateTime field by @sljoyy in #173
- Feat/auth config by @wildeslam in #174
- feat: modify getJarUrl by @wildeslam in #175
- feat: modify callReplayMax logic by @pangdayuan1 in #176
- feat: test framework init by @QizhengMo in #177
- Refactor/config load by @QizhengMo in #178
- fix: merge conflicts by @QizhengMo in #180
- Feat/docker springboot jar by @QizhengMo in #181
- feat: add global config of "transformConfig" by @coryhh in #182
- feat: metric for coverage handle by @QizhengMo in #183
- feat: replay task by @QizhengMo in #184
- feat: add saasCompanySeed by @wildeslam in #185
- feat: no data de-duplication if request with arex-force-record by @pangdayuan1 in #187
- Feat/auto switching case source by @QizhengMo in #189
- fix: subquery identified as table name. by @llkkk in #186
- feat: support redis and modify index by @coryhh in #190
- fix: fix the error of nullPointer by @coryhh in #191
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.6.3...v0.6.4
Version 0.6.3
What's Changed
- chore: add the dev yaml by @coryhh in #142
- feat: add Interceptor to record payload info by @pangdayuan1 in #140
- fix: pinned data is created at the original time by @pangdayuan1 in #143
- Update by @lijing-22 in #144
- fix: tomcat config by @QizhengMo in #145
- fix: metric interceptor output response by @pangdayuan1 in #148
- fix: replayId string null treated as empty by @sljoyy in #149
- feat: multi env config by @QizhengMo in #150
- Feat/multi env config by @QizhengMo in #151
- Feat/multi env config by @QizhengMo in #152
- fix: nested obj by @QizhengMo in #153
- feat: agent startup description by @pangdayuan1 in #154
- fix: update yml to prod by @coryhh in #146
- feat: modify field 'arexOriginalResult' to 'response' by @wildeslam in #156
- Feat/multi env repo by @QizhengMo in #155
- fix: javadoc by @QizhengMo in #157
- feat: multi mocker handler by @QizhengMo in #159
- Feat/mocker handler event by @QizhengMo in #160
- feat: add ServiceCollectConfiguration by @coryhh in #161
- feat: update MergeRecordDTO's field by @wildeslam in #162
- feat: remove by @pangdayuan1 in #158
- fix: the timeMock of RecordServiceConfig return true by @coryhh in #164
- feat: The viewRecord interface supports querying multiple category data by @pangdayuan1 in #163
- feat: unified mgnt of mongo indexes by @wildeslam in #165
New Contributors
- @lijing-22 made their first contribution in #144
Full Changelog: v0.6.2...v0.6.3
Version 0.6.2
What's Changed
- Feat: sort the recorded data in memory by @pangdayuan1 in #115
- feat: docker image by @QizhengMo in #116
- Feat remove record cache by @pangdayuan1 in #110
- feat: invalid case and save failed remove mockers by @sljoyy in #117
- feat: use eigen match by @pangdayuan1 in #118
- fix: resolve mock repeated matching questions by @pangdayuan1 in #120
- Feat:Reload cache every time playback by @pangdayuan1 in #119
- fix: resolve ViewRecordResponseType class cannot be serialized by @pangdayuan1 in #121
- redis mocker add call replay max attribute by @pangdayuan1 in #122
- Feat/scene pool by @QizhengMo in #124
- feat: support the tag of mock by @coryhh in #123
- The eigenvalues are recalculated through configuration by @pangdayuan1 in #125
- feat: invalid replay case by @sljoyy in #126
- feat: add the field of "tag" in InstanceCollection and update the verison of comparesdk by @coryhh in #127
- feat: add query config switch by @pangdayuan1 in #128
- feat: add query config test appIds by @pangdayuan1 in #131
- fix: the invalid of "includeServiceOperations" by @coryhh in #129
- fix: the error of "update env" by @coryhh in #132
- fix: remove call replay verify by @pangdayuan1 in #133
- feat: delayed coverage handle by @QizhengMo in #134
- feat: add delete app interface by @wildeslam in #130
- feat: delayed invalid record case by @sljoyy in #135
- feat: adjust function position by @wildeslam in #136
- Feat/update merged mocker by @wildeslam in #137
- feat: arex.enable.debug config by @wildeslam in #138
- Feat/rolling expiration extension by @QizhengMo in #139
- feat: remove storage.use.eigen.match properties by @pangdayuan1 in #141
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.6.2
Version 0.6.1
What's Changed
- feat: comment out code by @pangdayuan1 in #94
- Fix restore preload guard by @QizhengMo in #95
- Chore reformat to google style by @QizhengMo in #96
- fix: conversion error caused by custom codec by @QizhengMo in #97
- feat: support similarity match by @pangdayuan1 in #92
- chore: optimize preload all endpoint's success condition by @QizhengMo in #98
- feat: add multiOperationStrictMatch metric tag by @pangdayuan1 in #99
- feat:add nettyProvider by @wildeslam in #100
- adjust indexes by @binyu1005 in #101
- Fix preload result by @QizhengMo in #103
- feat:visibility isolate by @wildeslam in #102
- Feat visibility by @wildeslam in #104
- feat: add the query-method about ServiceOperation by @coryhh in #105
- Feat docker cicd by @QizhengMo in #106
- Feat: Solve the problem of inaccurate matching under concurrency by @pangdayuan1 in #107
- feat:add keyFormula by @wildeslam in #108
- Feat key formula by @wildeslam in #109
- chore: package the executable jar by the command "mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Pjar" by @coryhh in #111
- chore: update the name of jar profile by @coryhh in #112
- feat: get pom version at vi/health interface by @wildeslam in #113
- Feat/pom version by @wildeslam in #114
Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.6.1
Version 0.6.0
What's Changed
- feat: "add routes and methods of removing mock records by appId, operationName and recordId" by @ZhitaoGan in #74
- refactor: adjust structor by @coryhh in #79
- Feat update dependency expiration date by @wildeslam in #78
- Feat add prometheus metrics by @binyu1005 in #81
- Feat add serialize list by @ZhitaoGan in #80
- fix: load desensitize service by @coryhh in #82
- feat: store multi replay data in redis by @pangdayuan1 in #76
- feat:permission control for application by @wildeslam in #84
- Remove empty operationName cases by @binyu1005 in #85
- rename configuration keys by @binyu1005 in #87
- Feat: coverage by @QizhengMo in #83
- feat: ignore the serialization of field by @coryhh in #89
- feat: AppAuthAspect by @wildeslam in #86
- chore:update version by @wildeslam in #90
- Update version by @wildeslam in #91
- chore: remove unused config by @QizhengMo in #93
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.6.0
Version 0.5.0
What's Changed
- bug-fix-mongdb-log4j-exception by @binyu1005 in #70
- change log level to 'INFO' by default by @binyu1005 in #71
- Feat desensitization by @coryhh in #72
- rename log4j plugin name by @binyu1005 in #73
Full Changelog: v0.4.3...v0.5.0
What's Changed
- feat: add a new interface "/agentStatus" in the storage service to perform a transition to report interface by @QizhengMo in #62
- chore: update version to 1.0.19 by @coryhh in #64
- Feat expirationTime by @wildeslam in #63
- fix: "obtain all headers instead of getting modified headers by specific key" by @ZhitaoGan in #65
- Chore community record env by @QizhengMo in #66
- chore: zstd update ver by @QizhengMo in #67
- feat: mocker index by @QizhengMo in #68
- chore: update version to 1.0.21 by @coryhh in #69
New Contributors
- @ZhitaoGan made their first contribution in #65
Full Changelog: v0.4.2...v0.4.3