Major Changes
- Redis and Redis Stream EventSources ACL auth support
- Support parse QueryParameter and PostForm on webhook EventSource
- Fixed JetStream EventBus resource setting bug
- Fixed some security issues
Check out our blog for v1.7 release.
Pull Requests
- feat: Add support for Redis ACL auth (#2007)
- chore: move from streadway/amqp to rabbitmq/amqp091-go (#1999)
- fix: jetstream statefulset resource setting (#1989)
- feat: add support to parse QueryParameter and PostForm on webhook eventsource
- fix: make access token optional (#1976)
- fix: Limit github hooks manager daemon lifetime to 10 min (#1930)
- chore: discontinue using ioutil (#1966)
- fix: git artifactory arbitrary file read issue (#1965)
- feat: add support of submit from existing resource (#1908) (#1941)
- chore: jetstream new version and reloader image change (#1962)
- chore: clean up unused function parameters (#1963)
- fix: use crypto/rand instead of math/rand (#1959)
- chore: expose git artifactory InsecureIgnoreHostKey in user spec (#1982)
- chore: do not return nil since it is never used (#1960)
- fix: add nil check on sensor spec validation (#1961)
- chore: remove unused files to avoid DoS attach (#1958)
kubectl create namespace argo-events
kubectl apply -n argo-events -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/argoproj/argo-events/v1.7.1/manifests/install.yaml
# Install validating webhook (optional)
kubectl apply -n argo-events -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/argoproj/argo-events/v1.7.1/manifests/install-validating-webhook.yaml