Introduction • Requirements • Installation • Working of Bot • How it Works • Thanks ❤
This Project uses an API from Cowin Portal to find available doses of vaccines and automatically notifies the users via Telegram Chat.
- Python 3.3+
- macOs or Linux or Windows
git clone
cd Cowin_Vaccine_Availability_Bot
python -m venv c:\path\to\myenv
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Data for upto 7 days is extracted from an API.
- Iterating over data to check for available vaccine doses.
- If any dose available then a message is sent via Telegram API to a specific channel.
- The particular data which has been sent to telegram is cached for 1 hour to prevent multiple notifications.
- Data from API is updated every 4 seconds.
- Government of India for providing open API to extract the data in real time.
- Shout-out to developers & contributors of Requests, cachetools.