I'm Ari (he/him), - Experienced business analyst (in logistics, retail, and commercial business field) who currently surfing on data science field
- Yogyakarta Property - dashboard used to monitor properties for sale in Yogyakarta Province | Tools: Looker Studio, Pyhton
- Kompas News Viz - UMP in Indonesia - dashboard used to monitor minimum wage of province in Indonesia | Tools: Tableau, Pyhton
- Olist Ecommerce Business - dashboard used to monitor business performance of Olist Ecommerce | Tools: Tableau
- Ecommerce Customer Segmentation - Use clustering to create customer segmentation of Ecommerce | Tools: Pyhton
- Cars Price Prediction - Use regression to create used cars price prediction | Tools: Pyhton
- Data Roles Salary Prediction - Use regression to create data roles salary prediction | Tools: Pyhton
- Excel Business Case - Use MS excel's feature/formula to create sales report for different cases | Tools: Microsoft Excel