Solving the famous Traveller Salesman Problem (TSP) using ANT swarm intelligence -> Ant Colony Optimisations (ACO) with JAVA Algorithms used: AS, EAS and MMAS
made as a 6 month project at Roskilde University
Abstract This project report is a description of the implementation of ACO Algorithms (Ant Colony Optimization) in java language and the use of them for solving the traveling salesman problem (TSP). It includes three deferent variations of AS algorithms: the simple AS, the Elitist AS, and the MinMax AS. At first there is an introduction to the TSP problem, and the AS algorithms and furthermore the detailed description of them and also a number of improvements to the program such as the local optimization and the use of treads. At the end there is the benchmarking of the three ACO algorithms with and without 2-opt, a discussion about our results. In the end we conclude and persectivate on our overall results and how we could add further improvements.