A new Flutter Firebase project to store Brew Preference of your team members.
- A source of asynchronous data events.
- You listen on a stream to make it start generating events, and to set up listeners that receive the events.
- You can process a stream using either await for or listen() from the Stream API.
- There are two kinds of streams: single subscription or broadcast.
- StreamBuilder is a Widget that can convert a stream of user defined objects, to widgets.
- This takes two arguments:
- A stream
- A builder, that can convert the elements of the stream to widgets
- Widget that builds itself based on the latest snapshot of interaction with a Stream.
- You can use it to provide a value (usually a data model object) to anywhere in the widget tree.
- However, it won't help you update the widget tree when that value changes.
- A key that is unique across the entire app.
- Global keys uniquely identify elements. Global keys provide access to other objects that are associated with those elements, such as BuildContext. For StatefulWidgets, global keys also provide access to State.
- GlobalKeys have two uses: they allow widgets to change parents anywhere in your app without losing state, or they can be used to access information about another widget in a completely different part of the widget tree.
- Login and Signup using Email Id and Password through Firebase Auth.
- List Brew Preferences of all users on home page using Firebase Firestore.
- Update Brew Preferences and User name through settings icon in the App bar.
- Logout User.