Releases: armindarvish/consult-gh
Releases · armindarvish/consult-gh
Major update that adds new features.
- update consult dependency to version 2.0 to use the new consult API.
- adds integration with
package (see consult-gh-with-emacs-pr-review.el) - change the default actions to viewing within Emacs.
- add the ability to load sections in issues or prs (like comments, commits, ...) dynamically
- improve creating pull requests (add ability to see diffs, commits, etc.)
- fix permission check when editing issues or prs.
- add a new minor-mode consult-gh-misc-view-mode
What's Changed
- update by @armindarvish in #193
- Major update to new consult API and new fetures by @armindarvish in #194
- update CHAGNELOG by @armindarvish in #195
- update the consult requirements to latest consult by @armindarvish in #197
- Fix the issue with split-style character by @armindarvish in #198
- update consult depenedency version by @armindarvish in #199
- major clean up and new minor features by @armindarvish in #200
- Fixe v3 and v4 api format from forge,ghub,... by @armindarvish in #201
- Fix marking notifications as read. by @armindarvish in #203
- Fix issues for melpa submision of emacs-pr-review integration by @armindarvish in #205
- improve forge authentication and add repo-delete by @armindarvish in #206
- pin consult requirement to v2.0 by @armindarvish in #207
- Add preview to reading gitignore template and license key by @armindarvish in #208
- Address issues in melpa/melpa#9332 by @armindarvish in #210
- remove nested loop in auth-account-host by @armindarvish in #211
- Fix typo in comments by @armindarvish in #212
- Address comments for melpa integration of pr-review by @armindarvish in #214
- update version in the main consult-gh.el file to 2.2 by @armindarvish in #215
- rename consult-gh-emacs-pr-review by @armindarvish in #217
- improve ctrl-c-ctrl-c functions by @armindarvish in #218
- update README after adding consult-gh-with-pr-review by @armindarvish in #219
- update README by @armindarvish in #220
- update README by @armindarvish in #221
- Upgrade to Version 2.3: Comprehensive Improvements to GitHub Integration and User Experience by @armindarvish in #223
Full Changelog: v2.2...v2.3
Improve embark actions and menus, reduce dependencies, and improve backward compatibility for emacs version <30
What's Changed
- Update by @armindarvish in #185
- Fix minor issues and typos by @armindarvish in #186
- Fix minor issues and typos by @armindarvish in #187
- remove dependency on dash.el by @armindarvish in #188
- clean up lisp code by @armindarvish in #189
- fix embark insert tile and url by @armindarvish in #190
- improve embark keybindings and backward compatibility by @armindarvish in #191
- improve backward compatibility by @armindarvish in #192
Full Changelog: v2.1...v2.2
Fixes bugs in v2.0 and updates Emacs requirement to Emacs>30.0.
What's Changed
- update README by @armindarvish in #172
- fix typo by @armindarvish in #173
- fix c-u prefix funciton for interactive commands by @armindarvish in #176
- fix unbalanced parenthesis for issue view action by @armindarvish in #177
- remove consult-gh-default-orgs-list from README by @armindarvish in #179
- add consult-gh-use-search-to-find-name by @armindarvish in #180
- fix typo error in repo clone action by @LemonBreezes in #181
- Update emacs dependency to Emacs>30.0 by @armindarvish in #184
Full Changelog: v2.0...v2.1
Major update that enables several new features, including:
- Ability to switch accounts (multi-account)
- Support for alternative hosts (e.g. GitHub Enterprise)
- Ability to add comments to issues/PRs without the forge package
- Ability to do code review (comments on PRs, comments on code lines in a PR, ...)
- Ability to create repositories, issues or pull requests from within emacs (e.g. support =gh repo create=)
- Introduces minor modes:
: for enabling/disabling embark actions
: for enabling/diabling forge integration
: for buffers that view issues
: for buffers that view pull requests
: for editing comments
For more details, see the
What's Changed
- Removes autoload from transient by @armindarvish in #113
- fix issues with forge integration by @armindarvish in #114
- update README by @armindarvish in #115
- update README by @armindarvish in #116
- update README by @armindarvish in #117
- fix issues for MELPA by @armindarvish in #118
- add multi-account support including forge integration by @armindarvish in #119
- add markdown-mode as a requirement by @armindarvish in #120
- clean up errors from melpazoid by @armindarvish in #121
- cleaning up melpazoid errors by @armindarvish in #122
- fix consult-gh--repo-browse-url-action by @armindarvish in #123
- cleaning up melpazoid errors by @armindarvish in #124
- cleaning up issues from melpazoid by @armindarvish in #125
- update embark requirement by @armindarvish in #126
- update embark package requirement by @armindarvish in #127
- update requirements for packages by @armindarvish in #128
- fix issues for MELPA submission by @armindarvish in #129
- fix issues for MELPA submission by @armindarvish in #130
- Removes Package-Requires in consult-gh-transient by @armindarvish in #131
- update Package-Requires for consult-gh-embark by @armindarvish in #132
- Fixes issue with previewing readmes by @armindarvish in #133
- make commandline args customizable by @armindarvish in #134
- Add unload fucntion to consult-gh-embark by @armindarvish in #138
- fix forge integration by @armindarvish in #139
- update README by @armindarvish in #140
- clean up consult-gh-forge for MELPA by @armindarvish in #141
- add minor mode for embark and forge by @armindarvish in #142
- clean up consult-gh-forge for MELPA by @armindarvish in #143
- clean up consult-gh-forge for MELPA by @armindarvish in #144
- fix issue with username for consult-gh-forge by @armindarvish in #146
- fix issues consult-gh-embark and consult-gh-forge by @armindarvish in #147
- do not enable consult-gh-forge-mode by default by @armindarvish in #148
- fix unused argument in ghub--usrname and ghub--host by @armindarvish in #149
- adds notification and dashboard by @armindarvish in #150
- update README and improve forge by @armindarvish in #151
- some more clean up by @armindarvish in #153
- More clean up by @armindarvish in #154
- fix unbalances parens by @armindarvish in #155
- clean up for MELPA by @armindarvish in #156
- clean up for MELPA by @armindarvish in #157
- fix issue with truncating strings by @armindarvish in #158
- add dynamic grouping and browse-url by @armindarvish in #159
- add autoload to interactive commands by @armindarvish in #160
- update README by @armindarvish in #161
- Fix typos in comments by @slackline in #162
- update grouping functionalities by @armindarvish in #163
- update README by @armindarvish in #164
- update transient menu for version 2.0 by @armindarvish in #165
- update README by @armindarvish in #166
- Check whether the image is displayable before rendering it in Markdown by @jaeyeom in #169
- Update to version 2.0 by @armindarvish in #170
- update CHANGELOG for release version 2.0 by @armindarvish in #171
New Contributors
- @slackline made their first contribution in #162
- @jaeyeom made their first contribution in #169
Full Changelog: 1.0...v2.0
Updates to asynchronous process, which alllows searching asynchronously using consult-async.
Adds some important new features:
- search for pull-requests, codes, files, ...
- integration with magit/forge
- better implementation of cloning/forking, ...
- built-in support for creating new repositories
What's Changed
- bump the version for release of v0.12 by @armindarvish in #63
- reimplement everything to use consult-async by @armindarvish in #64
- reimplement everything to use consult-sync by @armindarvish in #65
- update readme by @armindarvish in #66
- fix default actions in embark by @armindarvish in #71
- update README with a better sample config by @armindarvish in #72
- fix search-code preview by @armindarvish in #77
- Update consult-gh-forge--topic-setup-buffer by @armindarvish in #78
- update consult-gh-forge--topic-setup-buffer by @armindarvish in #79
- fix actions on
consult-gh-orgs and
consult-gh-default-repos` by @armindarvish in #84 - respect consult-gh-prioritize-local-folder by @armindarvish in #86
- respect consult-gh-show-preview by @armindarvish in #88
- bumping the versions to 1.0.0 by @armindarvish in #89
- fix custom types and docstrings by @armindarvish in #90
- fix custom types and docstrings by @armindarvish in #91
- fix issue with consult-gh-preview-buffer-mode by @armindarvish in #92
- correctly quote repo arg in search commands by @m-delfino in #81
- Merge pull request #81 from m-delfino/fix/80-void-variable-repo by @armindarvish in #94
- improve cloning function by @armindarvish in #100
- removes dependency on gh by @armindarvish in #105
- fix function with current-prefix args by @armindarvish in #107
- fix void variable consult-preview-key error by @LemonBreezes in #109
- add create repo feature and clean up by @armindarvish in #110
- update for making package by @armindarvish in #111
New Contributors
- @m-delfino made their first contribution in #81
- @LemonBreezes made their first contribution in #109
Full Changelog: 0.12...1.0
This is the last release before the major update to use consult-sync.
First Release
Merge pull request #33 from armindarvish/develop minor refactor in consult-gh-embrak