Contains my submission for
Gitcoin: 0) Setup a Local CKB Node and CKB Indexer for the Testnet
Gitcoin: 1) Create a Godwoken Account on the EVM Layer 2 Testnet
Gitcoin: 2) Deploy a Simple Ethereum Smart Contract on Polyjuice
Gitcoin: 3) Issue a Smart Contract Call to the Deployed Smart Contract
Gitcoin: 4) Issue an SUDT Token on Layer 1 and Deposit it to Layer 2
Gitcoin: 5) Deploy the ERC20 Proxy Contract for the Deposited SUDT
Gitcoin: 6) Use Force Bridge to Deposit Tokens From Ethereum to Polyjuice
Gitcoin: 9) Initiate Withdrawal Process from the Layer 2 back to Layer 1
Gitcoin: 10) Complete Withdrawal Process by Unlocking the Funds