Generates seeds and their corresponding, first address and looks it up in a csv file, if an utxo exists. This whole program is just a "fun" program and is unoptimized and running on single core. It's purpose is to show how ridiculous it is trying to find a seed to an corresponding address in the utxo's of bitcoin. Just like a real lottery.
- Bitcoin full node
- Bitcoin utxo dump and therefore Go
- Cargo and therefore Rust to build this project
- At least 8 GB RAM available because the whole UTXO CSV is being loaded into the memory
Follow the instructions for the bitcoin full node and run it once and let it sync (Takes some hours depending on your connection speed etc.)
Clone the repo
git clone
cd into the project
cd BitcoinLottery
Execute bitcoin utxo dump (will take a while)
run the project
cargo run