Built this website for FrostHack'23 (Open Hackathon organized by Programming Club, IIT Mandi) in a team of two.
- Sign-up with email or use your google account.
- Access mental wellbeing resources on the resources page.
- Chat in real-time with different users.
- As a psychiatrist, offer consultation slots after psychiatrist-id authentication.
- node.js
- MongoDB
- Run the mongod database process.
- Run the db_data.js file. This will create the database for the project, and add some psychiatrist entries to it. The psychiatrist-id from these entries can be used for psychiatrist-authentication while running the project. (The website prompts for psychiatrist id when you want to offer your services as a psychiatrist).
- Launch terminal inside of the project directory and run the command node app.js. (The website will now be running on port 3000).
- Home Page:
- Resources Page:
- Live Discussions:
- Consultations: