released this
08 Oct 23:11
Neorg: Add Journal command
Ftplugin: Set conceallevel of markdown ft
Ftplugin: Set lua syntax to ON
Go: Set conceal and fold levels
Commands: Remove servers that mason installs
Plugins: Replace nvim-colorizer's author
Cmp: Add completion win highlights
Plugins: Disable legacy fugitive commands
Plugins: Improve packer autocmd setup
Treesitter: Add lua commentstring
Options: Use new normalize function
Options: Set cmdheight to 1
Lsp: Add/update various servers and config
Lsp: Remove go mod check autocmd
Vifm: Remove redundant vifm scripts
Plugins: Add fast_wrap to autopairs config
Plugins: Replace easyalign with mini
Plugins: Change wilder renderers
Plugins: Replace brave with firefox
Plugins: Remove copilot
Plugins: Replace lsp installer with mason
Lsp: Move on_attach setup to its own module
Navic: Use LspAttach event to load and setup
Ftplugin: Reduce conceallevel to 0 for help
Plugins: Add color-picker plugin
Mappings: Add swap window mappings
Plugins: Add opsort plugin
Plugins: Add lsp_lines plugin
Commands: Fix PackerLoadAll order problems
Qf: Fix qf list highlight links
Lsp: Fix deprecated range functions
Fidget: Fix terminal message on fast exit
Plugins: Crash of cmp in autopairs setup
Testobj: Fix folding text objects
Cmp: Improve completions
Plugins: Defer loading plugins in stages
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