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Experiments with higher-order abstract syntax in Agda


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A proof of confluence in Agda using HOAS

This a proof-of-concept development to demonstrate how we can reason about higher-order abstract syntax (HOAS) in Agda using the flat modality and custom rewrite rules.

  • Lambda.agda defines a HOAS encoding of the λ-calculus in Agda using a series of postulates.

  • DB.agda proves that the HOAS encoding is isomorphic to a more conventional well-scoped dependently typed encoding using de Bruijn indices.

  • Par.agda defines parallel reduction of terms, and proves that it satisfies the diamond property.

  • Flat.agda defines a data type for simplifying the manipulation of the modality in Agda.

What is HOAS?

Higher-order abstract syntax is the idea of representing variable binding using functions. For instance, consider the syntax of the λ-calculus, defined as a BNF grammar:

t := x | t₁ t₂ | λ x. t

In Haskell, this might be implemented as follows, using a traditional encoding where variables are represented with strings:

data Term = Var String
          | App Term Term
          | Abs String Term

-- The term "λ x. x x"
selfApp :: Term
selfApp = Abs "x" (App (Var "x") (Var "x"))

By contrast, here is a HOAS encoding of the same grammar:

data Term = App Term Term
          | Abs (Term -> Term)
selfApp :: Term
selfApp = Abs (\x -> App x x)

Unlike the more traditional encoding, the HOAS definition does not include a separate constructor for variables. It instead uses Haskell variables to represent variables in the λ-calculus. A term with a bound variable is just a function of type Term -> Term. The main advantage of this technique is that we do not need to implement a substitution operator for terms: we can just use function application.

For example, here is how we can implement an evaluator for closed terms in the λ-calculus.

beta :: Term -> Term -> Term
beta (Abs f) t2 = eval (f t2)
beta t1 t2 = App t1 t2

eval :: Term -> Term
eval (App t1 t2) = beta (eval t1) (eval t2)
eval t = t

For comparison, here is an implementation based on the first encoding. To define beta, we need to implement substitution ourselves.

subst :: String -> Term -> Term
subst x (Var y) t
  | x == y = t
  | otherwise = Var y
subst x (App t1 t2) t = App (subst x t1 t) (subst x t2 t)
subst x (Abs y t1) t
  | x == y = Abs y t1
  | otherwise = Abs y (subst x t1 t)

beta :: Term -> Term -> Term
beta (Abs x t1) t2 = eval (subst x t1 t2)
beta t1 t2 = App t1 t2

eval :: Term -> Term
eval (App t1 t2) = beta (eval t1) (eval t2)
eval t = t

While this definition is not too cumbersome, it does sidestep one of the main issues with binding: variable capture. The definition of subst x t1 t2 only works if the bound variables in t1 do not appear free in t2; otherwise, one of the free variables of t2 could enter the scope of a bound variable in t1, which wouldn't make sense. We can make subst work on open terms as well by modifying the Abs case to rename the bound variable y if a clash occurs. By contrast, the HOAS encoding prevents variable capture automatically, because it is impossible for a function parameter to alias a free variable that occurs outside its scope.

Difficulties with HOAS

Despite its obvious appeal, working with HOAS can present a few obstacles. First, there are some HOAS terms that do not correspond to any λ-term. For example:

isApp :: Term -> Bool
isApp (App _ _) = True
isApp _ = False

exotic :: Term
exotic = Abs (\x -> if isApp x then x else App x x)

Since the syntax of terms does not have if expressions, it cannot represent exotic.

The second issue is that it can be tricky to reason about HOAS terms in a type theory. Consider the following function, which flips the top-level constructor of a term.

flip :: Term -> Term
flip t
  | isApp t = Abs (\_ -> t)
  | otherwise = App t t

Intuitively, isApp (flip t) should be equal to not (isApp t), implying that that flip t and t cannot be equal. However, consider the following term:

f :: Term -> Term -> Term
f (App t1 t2) = \_ -> App t1 t2
f (Abs g)     = g

t :: Term
t = Abs (\x -> flip (f x x))

paradox :: Term
paradox = f t t

What should paradox be? If we unfold f and t, we find that paradox is equal to flip paradox, since

  = f t t
  = (\x -> flip (f x x)) t
  = flip (f t t)
  = flip paradox,

which contradicts our intuition above.

A solution: modal type theory

The two pathological examples above had something in common: both relied on the ability to do case analysis on terms. This suggests that restricting case analysis might be a solution for making HOAS well behaved. One such approach is implemented in Twelf, a HOAS-based framework for specifying programming languages and logics. In Twelf, function terms of type A -> B cannot perform case analysis on their arguments, but it is possible to do so when defining relations, as in logic programming.

Another approach is to integrate HOAS in a more conventional type theory, by controlling which free variables can appear in a term when performing case analysis. As explained by Martin Hofmann in his paper "Semantical analysis of higher-order abstract syntax", this can be done by extending type theory with a modality, an idea realized in contextual modal type theory. In such a system, we would still be able to write the isApp, flip and f functions above. However, it wouldn't be possible to use such functions inside of Abs, like we did when defining t or exotic above -- intuitively, because it would require performing case analysis on a term variable introduced by the argument of Abs.

This development shows how this idea can be implemented in Agda, by leveraging its modality. Intuitively, we can use ♭ T to describe elements of a type T that do not depend on free variables of the object languages we are modeling (for instance, the λ-calculus defined above). With this modality, we can soundly postulate an eliminator for HOAS types, which allows us to perform case analysis and reason by structural induction. Thanks to Agda's custom rewrite rules, we can describe the computational behavior of case analysis, thus allowing these functions to compute inside Agda.


Experiments with higher-order abstract syntax in Agda







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