This is an initial effort to create an index of definitions exposed by various SRFI.
For details see the mailing list thread on [email protected]
Is there an index of symbols defined by the various SRFI's?
For those wanting to contribute with indices for various SRFI's the workflow would be like this:
- fork this repository on GitHub;
- copy the file from ./srfi-templates to ./srfi-indices;
- start filling in the ??? with the proper values;
- submit a pull request to this repository;
- the pull request would then be merged;
The proposed syntax is described in ./syntax-specification.txt and a few examples can be found in ./syntax-examples.txt.
There are available files for each SRFI, srfi-templates, with definitions automatically extracted from the following places:
- the srfi-data.scm file containing the metadata for all published SRFI's;
- the (schemexref.txt) wiki dump;
- the Chibi built-in SRFI's; (possibly the most reliable source;)
The file has a syntax compliant with the proposed syntax, and wherever the symbol ???
apears it should be inserted by human intervention.
Also it is not guaranteed that all the definitions actually found in the SRFI's are actually present; or that all the listed symbols are actually correct.