CytonMT: an Efficient Neural Machine Translation Open-source Toolkit Implemented in C++
Xiaolin Wang ([email protected], [email protected])
To start using the toolkit
(Note that you can run the script of
- compiling the toolkit;
requirement: cuda, cudnn (>= 7.0)
make -j8;
- training a model;
cd data
../bin/cytonMt --mode train --epochs 5 --train --vocab vocab --dev --embedSize 64 --hiddenSize 128 --numLayers 1 --saveModel model
- translating a few sentences.
../bin/cytonMt --mode translate --loadModel model/model --testInput --testOutput test.trans
(Note that the output will be junk for this example)
More examples:
- To replicate our experiment on WMT 2014 English-to-German (please get the necessary files from running the command of "datagen --problems=translate_ende_wmt_bpe32k" in the tensor2tensor toolkit (
../bin/cytonMT --mode train --probeFreq 12 --patience 12 --train --vocab vocabFile --dev --saveModel model
../bin/cytonMt --mode translate --maxSeqLen 300 --loadModel model/model --testInput newstest2014.tok.bpe.32000.en --testOutput trans
- To replicate our experiments on WMT 2017 English-to-German (please get the necessary files from running the scripts in
../bin/cytonMT --mode train --probeFreq 36 --patience 12 --train --vocab vocabFile --dev --saveModel model
../bin/cytonMt --mode translate --maxSeqLen 300 --loadModel model/model --testInput test2017.bpe.en --testOutput trans
- To train a model in a fast way like OpenNMT
../bin/cytonMt --mode train --epochs 13 --decayStart 10 --decayConti 1 --train --vocab --dev --saveModel model
If you are using our toolkit, please kindly cite our paper:
title={CytonMT: an Efficient Neural Machine Translation Open-source Toolkit Implemented in C++},
author={Wang, Xiaolin and Utiyama, Masao and Sumita, Eiichiro},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.07170},
The parameters of CytonMT
bin/cytonMt --help
version: 2018-0528
--help ()
--mode train/translate ()
--saveModel ()
--loadModel load model for continue training or translate ()
--maxSaveModels maximum number of saved models (10)
--train source-side and target-side training files, one sentences per line. trainSrc:trainTrg[:weight:trainSrc2:trainSrc2:weight2] (trainSrc:trainTrg)
--dev source-side and target-side development files, one sentences per line (devSrc:devTrg)
--testInput input file for translating (testInput)
--testOutput output file for translating (testOutput)
--vocab source-side and target-side vocabulary files, one word per line (vocabSrc:vocabTrg)
--srcTrgShareEmbed share the embedding weight between the source side and the target side (1)
--srcVocabSize size of source-side vocabulary, 0 means using whole vocabulary in vocabSrc file (0)
--trgVocabSize size of source-side vocabulary, 0 means using whole vocabulary in vocabTrg file (0)
--ignoreUnk 0/1, 1 means ignoring unknown words (1)
--initParam initialize weights uniformly in (-initParam, initParam) (0.1)
--optimization SGD/Adam (SGD)
--learningRate learning rate (1)
--decayRate decay factor of learning rate (0.7)
--decayStart learning rate start to decay from the epoch of decayStart (1000)
--decayConti 0/1, 1 means that learning rate keeps decaying per check once it decays, OpenNMT's mode, (0)
--decayStatus 0/1, 1 means that learning rate is in a status of decaying, useful for continue training. (0)
--epochs max epochs of training (100)
--epochStart the number of first epoch, useful for continue training (1)
--batchSize batch size (64)
--maxSeqLen max length of source and target sentence (100)
--embedSize size of word embedding (512)
--hiddenSize size of hidden states (512)
--numLayers number of encoder/decoder layers (2)
--dropout dropout rate, 0 means disabling dropout (0.2)
--clipGradient threshold for clip gradient (5)
--labelSmooth factor of smoothing the target labels (0.1)
--probeFreq number of times probing the development likelihood per epoch (1)
--probeMargin margin for checking whether the development likelihood has increased (0.01)
--patience threshold for decaying the learning rate and restart training from the best model (1)
--beamSize size of beam search in translating (10)
--lenPenalty length penalty (0.6)