The global goal of this project is to create java-interface for using any sc-memory implementations. But for a current moment, the goal of this project is to create a java-library for connecting to a sc-machine via a WebSocket interface by using json format.
- Easy-to-use. The public api must be easy to understand. All public-api classes should use basic domain abstractions and have comprehensive documentation.
- Stability and reliability. The Project must have high test coverage (80+%). Also, project should have multi-level logging of events in the system and hierarchy of informative exceptions for each architectural layer.
- Modern language features. The project must use the latest lts-versions of java and not limit itself to new features of the language
- Easy to support. The minimum number of required third-party libraries was used for the implementation.
It is important to note that at this stage of project development there is no goal to make a fast library (due to the technical limitations of the sc-machine, as well as a deviation from the main goals of the project).
If you want to use JMantic in your programs, follow these steps:
New way since 0.6.2:
implementation 'io.github.artrayme:jmantic:0.7.0'
Old way:
First, you should add repo to the repositories section.
For example:
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("")
credentials {
username = "github_username"
password = "github_PAT_with_access_to_packages_reading"
Where GitHub_username it is you username in GitHub. Password - your GitHub personal access token. To get such a token, you need to go to GitHub settings, then go to Developer settings, where in the Personal Access Token section click Generate new token. In the generation menu, you only need to select the read:packages checkbox. The generated token needs to be inserted into the password field in the above example.
More information about PAT
implementation 'org.ostis:jmantic:0.6.1'
New way since 0.6.2:
Old way:
The first step is to change the settings.xml file in the ~/.m2 folder
<settings xmlns=""
Where GitHub_username it is your username in GitHub. Password - your GitHub personal access token. To get such a token, you need to go to GitHub settings, then go to Developer settings, where in the Personal Access Token section click Generate new token. In the generation menu, you only need to select the read:packages checkbox. The generated token needs to be inserted into the password field in the above example.
More information about PAT
To use JMantic, you need ostis version 0.6.0. You can run ostis any way you want. For example, you can run ostis in the docker with the following command (you may have to run these commands with sudo):
docker run -it -p 8000:8000 -p 8090:8090 ostis/ostis:0.6.0 sh ostis --all
If you do not need to build the base, you can speed up the startup with the following command
docker run -it -p 8000:8000 -p 8090:8090 ostis/ostis:0.6.0 sh ostis --sctp --web
More information about dockerized ostis - GitHub repository
In this project, the semantic version is used but with a couple of improvisations.
Version has the format: x.y.z
- x - is a major version. A big difference can be between major versions. Only domain and purpose must be the same in different major versions.
- y - is a minor version. The public api and implementation can be changed between minor versions, but the core interfaces must not be removed.
- z - versioning for bug fixing and small features adding. Public api cannot be changed.