Ecosystem based on Artus.js -
install @artusx/init
npm i -g @artusx/init
create web app with app boilerplate
artusx-init --name web --type apps
install deps and run the app
cd web
pnpm i
pnpm run dev
install rush.js
npm install -g @microsoft/rush
install deps
rush update
create new package
# build generator tools
rush rebuild -t @artusx/init
# create new package and update projects in rush.json
rush create --name web --type apps --rush
rush create --name common --type libs --rush
rush create --name postgres --type plugins --rush
publish to npm.js
# export npm auth token
# update version
rush version --bump
# update changelog
rush changelog
# 1. publish with actions
# git release {version} -m "chore: release {version}"
# 1.1 release lockStepVersion
# git release v1.0.12 -m "chore: release 1.0.12"
rush release-package
# 1.2 release individualVersion
# git release v1.1.5-rc.12 -m "chore: release 1.1.5-rc.12"
rush release-package -r
# 2. publish with rush.js
# rush publish --include-all --publish
rush publish-package