Khalid says the key to grasping, understanding, and making sweet Java music is to go Dr. Manhattan on OOP concepts. Creating working methods and variables for re-use without compromising security and to help Brain take over the world.
Here you'll find mental handsprings of 4 main OOP concepts in Java:
1. Abstraction
KISS principle. Objects, classes, variables that rep more complex layers underneath (code & data).
2. Encapsulation
Allow access only to VIP guest list. Pragmatic Programmer says to write "shy code".
3. Inheritance
Like cheescake on cheat-day...this speciality lets me create new blueprints that share some of the attributes of other classes. Don't reinvent the cheesecake wheel.
4. Polymorphism
Pretty much what a homonym is...same word, different meanings, different contexts.
a. Overloading - dif menaings implied by code
b. Overriding - dif meanings implied by values of variables