Authentication is a user-management web service created in Rust using Rocket and Diesel. Please tell me how to make it more idiomatic; I'm new to this.
$ cargo run --bin server
This application accepts data as JSON. It can create, verify, authenticate, and delete users.
POST /sign-up
- INPUT: username and password
- Creates a User entry and a VerificationCode entry in the database.
- OUTPUT: user_id and username
POST /log-in
- INPUT: username and password
- OUTPUT: user_token and renewal_token
POST /is-authenticated
- INPUT: auth
- OUTPUT: Whether or not auth is valid
POST /users/<target_user>/delete
- INPUT: auth
- Deletes target_user if user_token represents target_user or if user_token represents and admin.
POST /users/<target_user>/grant/<permission>
- INPUT: auth, target_user, and permission
- If auth represents an admin, gives target_user the permission.
POST /users/<target_user>/revoke/<permission>
- INPUT: auth, target_user, and permission
- If auth represents an admin, revokes the permission from target_user.
POST /renew-token
- INPUT: renewal_token
- OUTPUT: user_token and renewal_token
GET /verify/<verification_code>
- INPUT: verification_code
- Marks User as verified and deletes associated VerificationCode.
POST /permissions
- INPUT: auth and permission_name
- If auth represents and admin, creates a new Permission with permission_name
POST /permissions/<permission>/delete
- INPUT: auth and permission
- If auth represents and admin, deletes the permission
$ cargo run --bin make_admin <username>
This binary accepts a username as a commandline argument and makes that user an admin.
$ cargo run --bin verify_user <username>
This binary accepts a username as a commandline argument and verifies that user.
$ cargo run --bin create_user <username> <password>
This binary accepts a username and password as commandline arguments and creates a user with that information.
This binary accepts a username as a commandline argument and verifies that user.
Acquire rustup
and use the latest nightly:
$ rustup default nightly
If you already have rustup
, update to the latest nightly:
$ rustup update nightly
This project depends on PostgreSQL
, so make sure that is installed and running. Create a postgres user and a database for the application.
$ sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER your_user WITH PASSWORD 'your_users_password';"
$ sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE your_database WITH OWNER your_user;"
Generate RSA Keys for the JSON Web Token library. The library can only understand keys in the DER
format currently, so we'll create keys in that format.
$ mkdir -p authentication_backend/keys && cd authentication_backend/keys
$ openssl genrsa -des3 -out private.pem 2048
$ openssl rsa -in private.pem -outform DER -out private.der
$ openssl rsa -in private.der -inform DER -RSAPublicKey_out -outform DER -out public.der
Don't commit your keys. authentication_backend/keys
is currently in the gitignore so you don't do this.
Copy .env.example
to .env
and set the required variables.
# .env
in the environment is optional. If unspecified, BCrypt will use the DEFAULT_COST
which is 12 at the time of writing. This value exists on a scale of 4 to 31. To make testing quicker, smaller values can be used. For production systems, larger values should be used.
Install diesel_cli
and make sure your global rust binaries are in your path.
$ cargo install diesel_cli
Setting path in ~/.bashrc
for bash:
# ~/.bashrc
export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH"
Setting path in ~/.zshenv
for zsh:
# ~/.zshenv
path=(~/.cargo/bin $path[@])
You may need to restart your shell for changes to take effect.
$ exec $SHELL
Run the existing migrations to bring your database up to speed.
$ cd authentication_backend
$ diesel migration run
Compile the application with:
$ cargo build
Run the application with
$ cargo run --bin server
Test the application with. Currently there are tests for the authentication_backend and authentication_rocket packages. More tests will come.
$ cargo test
Copyright © 2017 Riley Trautman
Authentication is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Authentication is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. This file is part of Authentication.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Authentication. If not, see