- Install
- Install
bundle install
The CLI app requires the CLIENT_ID
environment variables to be set. You can either set them in your environment and call the app using:
> bundle exec scientist
Or you can specify them at run time:
> CLIENT_ID=ABC CLIENT_SECRET=XYZ bundle exec scientist
Running without parameters will print help documentation:
scientist categories # Load the categories
scientist category_wares BEACON_SLUG # Load wares by category
scientist help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
scientist provider PROVIDER_ID # Load a provider given an id
scientist provider_wares PROVIDER_ID # Load a provider's wares given an id
scientist providers <SEARCH STRING> # Find providers (search string optional)
scientist stress # Stress test the system
scientist token # Get client credentials token
scientist ware WARE_ID # Load a ware given an id
scientist ware_providers WARE_ID # Load a ware's providers given an id
scientist wares <SEARCH STRING> # Find wares (search string optional)
[--quiet], [--no-quiet]
[--raw], [--no-raw]