tldr; easily integrate Zeppelin OS into an existing Truffle-based project using a migration pattern and a small piece of glue code.
Zeppelin OS is a tool that manages contract deployment, upgrades, and packaging. It even cleverly detects and warns about memory structure changes in upgradeable contracts. With very little effort you can make all of your contracts upgradeable and enjoy an easy-to-use command line tool to manage them. It's essential.
ZOS is designed to integrate with Truffle; a well-regarded suite of tools that allow one to easily migrate, deploy and test smart contracts.
ZOS handles contract upgrades, but doesn't go so far as to support Truffle migrations. Migrations are valuable because they capture deployment logic in discrete, versioned steps. Developers can add new migrations and incrementally migrate their environment.
To integrate Truffle migrations with Zeppelin OS, we'll need to take care of two major issues:
- Contracts must be instantiated using Zeppelin OS by a separate 'administrator' account. Zeppelin OS separates the role of contract 'administrator' and contract 'user': the administrator is the one who creates and upgrades the target contracts and the user is anyone who calls the original contract functions. Zeppelin calls this the transparent proxy pattern.
- Truffle migrations rely on the version as stored in the deployed Migrations contract. If the build artifacts are re-created, we need to merge the addresses from the
file into the Truffle artifacts.
Let's take care of these two steps.
If you'd like to follow along, first setup an empty ZOS project:
$ mkdir zos-truffle-migrations
$ cd zos-truffle-migrations
$ npm init # config doesn't matter
$ npm i --save-dev zos truffle-hdwallet-provider openzeppelin-eth shelljs ganache-cli zos-truffle-merge
$ zos init .
In a separate terminal start ganache-cli:
$ ganache-cli -m "ignore deer have enable syrup wall link pudding celery require black office"
Now you will be able run the commands along with the article.
Many contracts define a special address as being the 'owner'. The owner of a contract is able to use privileged administrative functions: such as mint
on an ERC20 contract. ZOS does not allow the proxy admin to interact with the contract, so the owner cannot deploy the contract. We'll need to adapt our migrations so that a separate 'proxy admin' account actually deploys the contract.
Having multiple transaction signing accounts introduces an added wrinkle: we now need more than one account 'unlocked' in the Truffle network config. For our local ganache-cli
that's not a problem because the first ten accounts are unlocked in ganache-cli, but for a test network such as Ropsten we need to unlock them manually.
The truffle-hdwallet-provider allows one to unlock a number of address from an offset using it's third and fourth parameters:
// truffle-config.js
'use strict';
var HDWalletProvider = require("truffle-hdwallet-provider")
module.exports = {
networks: {
local: {
host: "",
port: 8545,
network_id: '*'
ropsten: {
provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(
"fat puzzle vicious turtle follow onion measure car embrace civil shadow smoke",
0, // we start with address[0]
2 // notice that we unlock two: which will be address[0] and address[1]
network_id: 3,
gas: 8000000,
gasPrice: 20 * 1000000000
We've unlocked address[0]
and address[1]
. Since Truffle uses the first address to update the migration version, let's use the second address as the proxy admin.
Our first migration to update will be the 1_initial_migration.js
that comes with every Truffle project. It deploys the Migrations contract that Truffle depends on for migration versioning. The Migrations.sol
contract will need to be updated to be compatible with ZOS. Notice that we're using Ownable.sol
from the openzeppelin-eth
module, which is a special branch of the OpenZeppelin library that integrates with ZOS.
// Migrations.sol
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
import "openzeppelin-eth/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol";
contract Migrations is Ownable {
uint public last_completed_migration;
function setCompleted(uint completed) public onlyOwner {
last_completed_migration = completed;
function upgrade(address new_address) public onlyOwner {
Migrations upgraded = Migrations(new_address);
Next we'll need to update the 1_initial_migration.js
script to use ZOS. I prefer using the shell commands as it's more succinct, but ZOS does offer a JavaScript API to interact with a project.
// 1_initial_migration.js
const shell = require('shelljs')
module.exports = function(deployer, networkName, accounts) {
deployer.then(() => {
if (shell.exec(`zos create Migrations --init initialize --args ${accounts[0]} --network ${networkName} --from ${accounts[1]}`).code !== 0) {
throw new Error('Migration failed')
Notice that we're initializing the contract using the inherited function initialize(address _owner)
with accounts[0]
To complete the picture, let's add an arbitrary contract where we need call a function:
// CallMeMaybe.sol
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
import "openzeppelin-eth/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol";
contract CallMeMaybe is Ownable {
string public name;
function init(address _owner, string _name) public initializer {
name = _name;
function setName(string _newName) public onlyOwner {
name = _newName;
Let's add two migrations for CallMeMaybe
, the first to create it and the second to set it (arbitrary example).
// 2_create_call_me_maybe.js
const shell = require('shelljs')
module.exports = function(deployer, networkName, accounts) {
deployer.then(() => {
if (shell.exec(`zos create CallMeMaybe --init init --args ${accounts[0]},maybe --network ${networkName} --from ${accounts[1]}`).code !== 0) {
throw new Error('Migration failed')
// 3_update_call_me_maybe.js
const CallMeMaybe = artifacts.require('CallMeMaybe.sol')
module.exports = function(deployer, networkName, accounts) {
deployer.then(async () => {
const instance = await CallMeMaybe.deployed()
await instance.setName('or not')
This demonstrate the integration with Truffle: we can simply pull in the contract artifacts as we do normally and call them.
The contracts and migrations are done! Now let's run them.
Assuming accounts[0]
(owner) is 0x2c1e88eeb8a1aa907dcaa141f8a930565637ff57 and accounts[1]
(proxy admin) is 0x81ff0179eeb3545e7d9a0e80672ea9ba88d68817 let's now deploy our contract:
$ zos add Migrations CallMeMaybe
$ zos push --network local --from 0x81ff0179eeb3545e7d9a0e80672ea9ba88d68817
$ truffle migrate --network local
Check the name using the Truffle console:
$ truffle console --network local
truffle(local)> CallMeMaybe.deployed().then(i =>
or not
If you start with a fresh copy of your app and the build/
directory is empty but you have a zos.ropsten.json
config, you'll want to merge those addresses back into the Truffle build artifacts. I've written a handy tool that makes this easy called zos-truffle-merge.
To merge ZOS addresses back into the artifacts, first compile the artifacts then run the command:
$ truffle compile
$ zos-truffle-merge -n 3 zos.ropsten.json
This will merge the deployed contract addresses defined in zos.ropsten.json
into the Truffle artifacts in build/contracts
for the network id 3
I greatly enjoy working with Zeppelin OS and Truffle; the two tools are a powerful combination. If you're a Truffle user I hope this article helps you transition to using Zeppelin OS, as I think people can benefit from it greatly.