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The PAIR to PAIR model allows the development of distributed & self-organised ecosystems of “PAIRs”.

PAIR is an acronym which stands for Projects, Actors, Ideas, and Resources. These four terms prove to be a good description model of the reality. It also proves effective to break the organizational silos wherein PAIRs are enshrined. Each brick (Projects, Actors, Ideas and Resources) is both fully autonomous and can be connected to the other bricks. As such, PAIRs can be arranged into a combinatorial structure of autonomous yet connected bricks that we call “PAIR to PAIR”. PAIRs can thus auto-organize themselves. PAIR to PAIR model allows cross-organizational dynamics, collaboration between Actors and pooling of Resources around Ideas or Projects.

PAIR to PAIR as a collaborative project management tool

xA -> P : x Actors around a Project.

Organisations use to embed their project. In the PAIR to PAIR approach : Projects are not embedded but autonomous. Around a project, an ecosystem of actors can be federated.

xA -> xR -> P : x Actors pooling their Resources around a project

Each actor has resources. They bring these resources to their projects. In the PAIR to PAIR approach : They bring these resources to collaborative projects. Around a Project, an ecosystem of actors pool their resources.

xA -> xI -> P : x Actors sharing their Ideas around a project

Each actor has Ideas. They use to bring these Ideas to their projects. In the PAIR to PAIR approach : They bring these Ideas to collaborative projects. Around a Project, an ecosystem of actors share their Ideas to develop it

P -> xp : A Project as a system of sub-projects

A project can be defined as a system of projects : For example : Build collaboratively the vision ; Develop a web application ; build communication tools ; Find financial resources. PAIR to PAIR model is fractal. It can be used at a macro level and/or at a micro level. Around Project, an ecosystem of sub-projects need to be achieved.

P -> xPAIR : A project with its ecosystems of Projects, Actors, Ideas and Resources.

A project has an ecosystem of Projects, Actors, Ideas and Resources.

p -> xA : An ecosystem of actors around each sub-project.

Around the project “Build collaboratively the vision”, the actors who are interested in can work together. They can be involved in many organizations. Around the project “Develop a web application”, the actors who are interested in, and have ressources/skills in Web development, can work together.

p -> xPAIR : An ecosystem of PAIRs around each sub-project

A sub-project as “Find financial resources” has its own ecosystem of Projects, Actors, Ideas and Resources. Each one of them can be brought by different actors of the ecosystem.

These are some relations allowed by the PAIR to PAIR model. The PAIR to PAIR model can be used as a way to build projects collaboratively, in an efficient way.

Top-Down, Bottom-up and complex approaches

PAIR to PAIR approach can be used in both top-down or bottom-up dynamics. Bottom-up ones are more interesting when we want to build complex systems. However, complex dynamics mixing Bottom-up and top-down approaches are even more interesting. For example, a Project can be sourced in a bottom-up way by the actors. Then, the Project has its own dynamic and feedbacks can be sent to the actors. There is a constant interaction between the micro & the macro level.

Technical challenges

The PAIR to PAIR approach can be used without technology, it’s just a organizational structure for collaborative dynamics. However, the PAIR to PAIR approach can be empowered by technology. PAIR to PAIR is the social embodiment of peer to peer approaches on the web.

A powerful combination of both innovations can be set up.


Each PAIR has to be autonomous in order to allow the building of ecosystems of PAIRs around each one of them. Distributed social networks allow such autonomy where centralised digital / social networks embed PAIRs within both platforms and organizations. A Project will have its own identity through the WebID Protocol and its own servers through the LDP protocol.


Each PAIR has to be able to connect easily and powerfully to every PAIRs Linked datas allow such easy and powerful connections through their ability : To connect distributed databases & servers, And to qualify the nature of links which unite different nodes. Linked datas allow the development of complex graphs of PAIRs, semantically binded. They allow machines to "understand" the nature of each PAIR and the nature of their relations. In addition, linked datas allow machines reasoning on the datas through inference mechanisms. Projects can be structured as a distributed graph of PAIRs, fully autonomous and powerfully connected on the web considered as a social & open network.

Access control

Distributed social networks need to be self-regulated if we want to prevent spam & trolls. Distributed access control based on the Web ACL W3C standard will be implemented in order to allow each PAIR part of WoT decide who has access and who doesn’t


Every collaborative projects need rules and governance mechanisms. Distributed and self organised systems prevent top-down mechanisms. Each PAIR has sovereignty on rules and governance mechanisms. We will decide collaboratively which ones we want for the WoT project. In our mind, one of the most powerful mechanism for distributed, self-organised and collaborative approaches is stigmergy. We describe below how can it be fostered :

An example of a distributed & bottom-up governance

  • Each one has entire freedom if he/it follows 2 conditions :
  • Holoptism : (From “Holos” and “Optic” : The ability for everybody to see the activity of everybody). Open-data allow each individual to see and understand what the others are doing. They can thus catch the information and use it in order to develop their part or their projects.
  • Binding : In order to build collaborative and collective projects, each one need to be part of the system. This necessity can be fostered through a simple mechanism. When someone wants to launch a project, he has to post its intention and to collect : More than +/- 10% of supports Less than +/- 10% of dislikes

Projects can be developed through such mechanisms, which allow cooperation without coordination and centralised governance. As a consequence, projects can be based on strong bottom-up and scalable dynamics.