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This will be the home for utilities around Panda CSS.


  • missing-css-warnings - Logs a warning message when a CSS rule was used at runtime but couldn't be statically extracted
  • strict-tokens-scope - Enforce strictTokens only for a set of TokenCategory or style props
  • strict-tokens-runtime - Enforce strictTokens at runtime, optionally scope this behaviour to a set of TokenCategory or style props
    • restrict-styled-props - Adds a props on the styled JSX Factory to restrict the props that can be passed to the component
  • remove-negative-spacing - Removes negative spacing tokens
  • remove-features - Removes features from the styled-system
  • minimal-setup - Removes the built-in presets and allow removing features from the styled-system


pnpm add -D @pandabox/panda-plugins


import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
import { pluginStrictTokensScope, pluginRemoveNegativeSpacing, pluginRemoveFeatures } from '@pandabox/panda-plugins'

export default defineConfig({
  // ...
  strictTokens: true,
  // can also be used together with
  // strictPropertyValues: true,
  plugins: [
    pluginStrictTokensScope({ categories: ['colors', 'spacing'] }),
    pluginRemoveFeatures({ features: ['no-jsx', 'no-cva'] }),
    pluginRemoveNegativeSpacing({ spacingTokenType: true, tokenType: true }),


Directly inline your styled-system functions and components results as class names (atomic or grouped)

pnpm i @pandabox/unplugin-panda-macro


import { css } from '../styled-system/css'

export const App = () => {
  return (
          display: 'flex',
          flexDirection: 'column',
          fontWeight: 'semibold',
          color: 'green.300',
          textAlign: 'center',
          textStyle: '4xl',
        <span>Hello from Panda</span>
        onClick={() => console.log('hello')}
        <span>Hello from Panda</span>

To (atomic):

import { css } from '../styled-system/css'

export const App = () => {
  return (
      <div className={'d_flex flex_column font_semibold text_green.300 text_center textStyle_4xl'}>
        <span>Hello from Panda</span>
        className="d_flex flex_column font_semibold text_green.300 text_center textStyle_4xl"
        onClick={() => console.log('hello')}
        <span>Hello from Panda</span>


pnpm i @pandabox/utils
  • assignInlineVars
  • cssVar
  • wrapValue


pnpm i @pandabox/postcss-plugins
  • removeUnusedCssVars
  • removeUnusedKeyframes


End to end type-safe theme definition (without any codegen step), so that the panda.config.ts can also benefit from type-safety and token/conditions/utilities autocomplete.

pnpm i @pandabox/define-theme


import { defineTheme } from '@pandabox/define-theme'

const t = defineTheme()

// Define tokens with the builder. TypeScript infers the structure.
const theme = t
    hover: '&:is(:hover, [data-hover])',
    focus: '&:is(:focus, [data-focus])',
    sm: '640px',
    md: '768px',
    lg: '1024px',
    xl: '1280px',
    '2xl': '1536px',
    colors: {
      black: { value: '#000' },
      white: { value: '#fff' },
      rose: {
        50: { value: '#fff1f2' },
        100: { value: '#ffe4e6' },
        200: { value: '#fecdd3' },
    sizes: {
      sm: { value: '0.75rem' },
      md: { value: '1rem' },
      lg: { value: '1.25rem' },
    colors: {
      primary: { value: 'blue' },
      text: {
        DEFAULT: { value: 'xxx' },
        foreground: { value: 'xxx' },
        background: { value: 'xxx' },
        heading: {
          DEFAULT: { value: 'xxx' },
          value: { base: 'xxx', _osDark: 'xxx' },
          subheading: { value: 'xxx' },
    sizes: {
      header: {
        value: { base: 'xxx', md: 'xxx', xl: 'xxx' },
    zIndex: {
      tooltip: { value: 'xxx' },
    background: {
      shorthand: 'bg',
      className: 'bg',
      values: 'colors',
    width: {
      shorthand: 'w',
      className: 'w',
      values: 'sizes',
    height: {
      shorthand: 'h',
      className: 'h',
      values: 'sizes',
    color: {
      className: 'text',
      values: 'colors',

const config =

// Everything here will be typed, without any codegen
config.defineStyles({ bg: 'text.background', background: 'text.foreground' })
  className: 'aaa',
  base: {
    _hover: {
      color: 'text',
      sm: {
        _focus: {
          fontSize: '12px',
    display: 'flex',
    background: 'text',
  variants: {
    type: {
      success: {
        bg: 'rose.200',
        background: 'tex.',
  defaultVariants: {
    type: 'success',


pnpm i @pandabox/define-recipe

The defineRecipe method will now return a RecipeBuilder object instead of a RecipeConfig object. The RecipeBuilder object has the following methods:

  • extend: add additional variants to or override variants of a recipe.
const button = defineRecipe({
  className: 'btn',
  variants: {
    variant: { primary: { color: 'red' } },
  variant: {
    primary: { px: 2 },
    secondary: { color: 'blue' },

resulting in:

  "className": "btn",
  "variants": {
    "variant": {
      "primary": { "color": "red", "px": 2 },
      "secondary": { "color": "blue" }

More methods are available on the RecipeBuilder object, see the README for more