This repo containts codes and other materials for our Python course at SciSchool.
Lecture 01: Numerical Types in Python [Notebook]
Lecture 02: Comments and Variables [Notebook]
Lecture 03: Strings [Notebook]
Lecture 04: Lists [Notebook]
Lecture 05: Assignment 01: Variables, Strings ans Lists [Notebook]
Lecture 06: Boolean Types, Comparison and Logical Operators, NoneType [Notebook]
Lecture 07: Flowchart and Control Flow (if - elif - else) [Notebook]
Lecture 08: Loops [Notebook]
Lecture 09: Assignment 02 [Notebook]
Lecture 10: Functions [Notebook]
Lecture 11: Functions Examples [Notebook]
Lecture 12: Object Oriented Programming [Notebook]
Lecture 13: Assignment 03 [Notebook]