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Weekly meeting notes

Romans Malinovskis edited this page Apr 4, 2019 · 2 revisions

W6 (April 4 2019)

  • we need new persistence, "ArrayOfStrings", which will cast all values into string, will be parent for persistence\csv and persistence\json
  • typecasting should be performed by (whichever matches first):
  1. manual override, field->typecast
  2. field->typecast()
  3. persistence_typehere
  4. persistence (parent class)
  • export should have hook "afterExport" (on entire data set)
  • add method exportFromPersistence() - giving you RAW data and you do whatever you want
  • [](query messed up if you call getDebugQuery), but the more substantial issue is the lack of debugging queries inside model. If we provide a better method to debug query of a model, it could solve the problem.
  • debugging and profiling - Philip noticed some slowdowns but he'll get more info and will open ticket.