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Merge pull request #3341 from atlas-engineer/fix-lisp-urls
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aadcg committed Feb 14, 2024
2 parents 2ba3b46 + f29ed7c commit 1f046f3
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Showing 5 changed files with 67 additions and 147 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions source/buffer.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1053,6 +1053,16 @@ This is a low-level function. See `buffer-delete' for the high-level version."
(buffers-delete (id buffer))
(add-to-recent-buffers buffer)))

(export-always 'internal-buffers)
(defun internal-buffers ()
;; Note that the `buffers' slot only keeps track of "main" buffers.
(append (sera:filter #'internal-url-p (buffer-list))
(alex:flatten (loop for window in (window-list)
collect (active-prompt-buffers window)
collect (panel-buffers window)
collect (status-buffer window)
collect (message-buffer window)))))

(export-always 'buffer-list)
(defun buffer-list ()
"Order is stable."
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions source/changelog.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@

(define-version "4.0.0"
(:li "Refactor lisp schemes URLs API.")
(:li "Deprecate slot " (:code "status-buffer-position") "in favour of"
(:nxref :slot 'placement :class-name 'status-buffer) ".")
(:li "Deprecate slot " (:code "prompt-buffer-open-height") " since "
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion source/manual.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ internal schemes do.")
way, including simply writing it by hand ;)")
(:li (:code "nyxt/ps:lisp-eval")
" is a Parenscript macro to request Nyxt to run arbitrary code. The signature is: "
(:code "((&key (buffer '(nyxt:current-buffer)) title callback) &body form)")
(:code "((&key (buffer '(nyxt:current-buffer)) title) &body body)")
". You can bind it to a " (:code "<button>") "'s " (:code "onClick")
" event, for example."))
(:p "If you're making an extension, you might find other macros more useful. "
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16 changes: 6 additions & 10 deletions source/mode/bookmark.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -356,16 +356,12 @@ Splits bookmarks into groups by tags."
:id (or tag "unsorted")
:open-p nil
(dolist (bookmark bookmarks)
(let ((url-href (render-url (url bookmark))))
(lisp-url-flet bookmarks-buffer
((delbkm (&key href)
(delete-bookmark href)))
(:div :class "bookmark-entry"
(:a :href url-href (title bookmark)))
(when (tags bookmark)
(:dd (:pre (format nil "Tags: ~{~a~^, ~}" (tags bookmark))))))))))))
:class "bookmark-entry"
(:dt (:a :href (render-url (url bookmark)) (title bookmark)))
(when (tags bookmark)
(:dd (:pre (format nil "Tags: ~{~a~^, ~}" (tags bookmark))))))))))

(defmethod serialize-object ((entry bookmark-entry) stream)
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185 changes: 49 additions & 136 deletions source/urls.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -453,148 +453,61 @@ guarantee of the same result."
(nth-value 0 (gethash (quri:uri-path (url url)) *static-data*)))
:secure-p t)

(-> lisp-url (&rest t &key
(:id string)
(:buffer t) ;; `document-buffer', actually.
(:title (maybe string))
(:callback (or function symbol)))
(defun lisp-url (&key title (id (princ-to-string (nyxt:new-id))) (buffer (current-buffer))
(callback (unless (gethash id (nyxt::lisp-url-callbacks buffer))
(alex:required-argument 'callback))))
(unless buffer
(error "Cannot make a `lisp-url' without BUFFER or current-buffer."))
(-> lisp-url (&rest t &key (:id string)
(:buffer t)
(:callback (or function symbol))
(:title (maybe string)))
(values quri:uri &optional))
(defun lisp-url (&key (id (princ-to-string (nyxt:new-id)))
(buffer (alex:required-argument 'buffer))
(callback (alex:required-argument 'callback))
(sera:synchronized ((nyxt::lisp-url-callbacks buffer))
(unless (gethash id (nyxt::lisp-url-callbacks buffer))
(log:debug "Registering callback ~a for buffer ~a" id buffer)
(setf (gethash id (nyxt::lisp-url-callbacks buffer)) callback)))
(format nil "lisp://~a?~:[~*~;title=~a&~]" id
title (when title
(quri:url-encode title))))
(log:debug "Registering callback ~a in buffer ~a" id buffer)
(setf (gethash id (nyxt::lisp-url-callbacks buffer)) callback))
(quri:make-uri :scheme "lisp"
:path id
:query `(("title" . ,title) ("buffer" . ,(id buffer)))))

(ps:defpsmacro nyxt/ps::lisp-call (id &key title (buffer '(current-buffer)) args)
"Call the ID-bound function on the Lisp side.
Return a JS Promise fulfilled after the code runs on the Lisp side.
ID should be an identifier of an already defined `lisp-url'.
The ARGS are used as a keyword arglist for the function bound to the defined URL callback."
`(fetch (ps:lisp (str:concat
(lisp-url :id ,id :buffer ,buffer :title ,title)
(list ,@(loop for (name value) on args by #'cddr
collect `(cons (symbol->param-name ,name)
(value->param-value ,value))))
:space-to-plus t)))
(ps:create :mode "no-cors")))
(export-always 'nyxt/ps::lisp-call :nyxt/ps)

(export-always 'lisp-url-flet)
(defmacro lisp-url-flet (buffer ((name (&rest args) &body binding-body) &rest other-bindings)
&body body)
"Bind the NAMEs of bindings to both
- the `nyxt/ps:lisp-call'-able IDs, and
- macros expanding to the Parenscript form calling them.
Bindings are only available in local scope, and are only defined for BUFFER.
\(nyxt::lisp-url-flet (nyxt:current-buffer)
((hello (&key name) (nyxt:echo \"Hello, ~a!\" name)))
(nyxt:ffi-buffer-evaluate-javascript (nyxt:current-buffer) (hello :name \"Stranger\"))
;; or equivalent
(ps:ps (nyxt/ps:lisp-call hello :buffer (nyxt:current-buffer) :args '(:name \"Stranger\"))))))"
(alex:with-gensyms (id)
`(let* ((,id (princ-to-string (new-id)))
(,name (progn
(lisp-url :id ,id
:buffer ,buffer
:callback (lambda (,@args) ,@binding-body))
(macrolet ((,name (&rest args)
;; Everything that uses commas comes from the outside,
;; everything with list/cons/quote belongs to this
;; macro. Otherwise it's really hard to keep track of.
(list (quote ps:ps)
(list (quote nyxt/ps:lisp-call) (quote ,name)
:title ,(str:concat "lisp-url-flet " (string name))
:buffer (quote ,buffer) :args args))))
,@(if other-bindings
`((lisp-url-flet ,buffer (,@other-bindings)

(ps:defpsmacro nyxt/ps::lisp-eval ((&key (buffer '(nyxt:current-buffer))
title callback args)
&body body)
"Request the lisp: URL and invoke CALLBACK when there's a successful result.
TITLE is purely informative.
BUFFER must be a `document-buffer'.
The ARGS are used as a keyword arglist for the CALLBACK."
;; We define it here and not in parenscript-macro because we need
;; `nyxt::lisp-url-callbacks' while parenscript-macro is Nyxt-independent.
`(let ((promise (nyxt/ps:lisp-call
;; FIXME: We define a URL, but don't use it anywhere, we only use its
;; ID. Quirky idiom. Maybe somehow only define an ID without string
;; generation?
(sera:lret ((id (princ-to-string (nyxt:new-id))))
:id id
:buffer ,buffer
:callback ,(if (and (sera:single body)
(member (first (first body)) '(lambda function)))
(first body)
`(lambda () ,@body)))))
:buffer ,buffer :title ,title ,@args)))
,@(when callback
`((ps:chain promise
(then (lambda (response)
(when (@ response ok)
(chain response (json)))))
(then ,callback))))))
(export-always 'nyxt/ps::lisp-eval :nyxt/ps)
(ps:defpsmacro nyxt/ps::lisp-eval ((&key (buffer '(nyxt:current-buffer)) title) &body body)
"Request a URL that evaluates BODY in BUFFER.
TITLE is purely informative."
`(let ((promise
(fetch (ps:lisp
(lisp-url :buffer ,buffer
:title ,title
:callback ,(if (and (sera:single body)
(member (first (first body)) '(lambda function)))
(first body)
`(lambda () ,@body)))))
(ps:create :mode "no-cors"))))))

(define-internal-scheme "lisp"
(lambda (url buffer)
(let ((url (quri:uri url)))
;; TODO: Replace this condition with `(not (network-buffer-p buffer))`?
(if (or (status-buffer-p buffer)
(panel-buffer-p buffer)
(prompt-buffer-p buffer)
(internal-url-p (url buffer)))
(let* ((request-id (quri:uri-host url))
(params (and url (quri:uri-query-params url)))
(title (when params
(alex:assoc-value params "title")))
(args (alexandria:remove-from-plist (query-params->arglist params) :title)))
(log:debug "Evaluate Lisp callback ~a from internal page ~a: ~a" request-id buffer (or title "UNTITLED"))
(values (let ((result (with-current-buffer buffer
(let ((callback (sera:synchronized ((lisp-url-callbacks buffer))
(gethash request-id (lisp-url-callbacks buffer)))))
(if callback
(run callback args)
(log:warn "Request ~a is bound to no callback for buffer ~a"
url buffer))))))
;; Objects and other complex structures make cl-json choke.
;; TODO: Maybe encode it to the format that `cl-json'
;; supports, then we can override the encoding and
;; decoding methods and allow arbitrary objects (like
;; buffers) in the nyxt:// URL arguments..
(when (or (scalar-p result)
(and (sequence-p result)
(every #'scalar-p result)))
(values "undefined" "application/json;charset=utf8"))))
(declare (ignore buffer))
(alex:when-let* ((%url (quri:uri url))
(request-id (quri:uri-path %url))
(query (quri:uri-query-params %url))
(title (alex:assoc-value query "title" :test 'equal))
(buffer-id (alex:assoc-value query "buffer" :test 'equal))
(buffer (find (read-from-string buffer-id) (internal-buffers) :key 'id)))
(log:debug "Evaluate Lisp callback ~a in buffer ~a: ~a" request-id buffer title)
(alex:if-let ((callback (sera:synchronized ((lisp-url-callbacks buffer))
(gethash request-id (lisp-url-callbacks buffer)))))
(let ((callback-output (with-current-buffer buffer (run callback))))
;; Objects and other complex structures make cl-json choke.
;; TODO: Maybe encode it to the format that `cl-json' supports,
;; then we can override the encoding and decoding methods and allow
;; arbitrary objects (like buffers) in the nyxt:// URL arguments..
(when (or (scalar-p callback-output)
(and (sequence-p callback-output)
(every #'scalar-p callback-output)))
(j:encode callback-output)))
(log:warn "Request ~a isn't bound to a callback in buffer ~a" %url buffer))
:cors-enabled-p t
:error-callback (lambda (c) (log:debug "Error when evaluating lisp URL: ~a" c)))

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