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Aurora Engine migration tools

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Migration tools for Aurora Engine contract.

It is a set of tools for parsing, indexing, preparing migration, and migrating data from the Aurora Engine contract to the new aurora-eth-connector contract.

The set of tools includes

  • parse - parse for Aurora Engine state snapshot
  • indexer - indexing NEAR blockchain blocks which include transactions of Aurora Engine contract
  • prepare-migrate-indexed - prepare data for migration from indexed data
  • migration - migrate Aurora Engine contract NEP-141 state to aurora-eth-connector contract.
  • CLI - commands and parameters to interact with the application.

Common migration flow

  1. Run migration-tool indexer.
  2. Run getting snapshot from Aurora contract. It can take more than 2 hours.
  3. After snapshot is ready, pause (set to read-only mod) Aurora contract and Bridge.
  4. Deploy new aurora-engine contract with Splitting NEP-141 functionality.
  5. Deploy aurora-eth-connector.
  6. Run migration-tool parse for snapshot file.
  7. Run migration-tool prepare-for-migration for parsed Aurora state result data (for ex: migration_state.borsh).
  8. Stop migration-tool indexer
  9. Run migration-tool prepare-for-migration for indexed result data (for ex: migration_indexed.borsh).
  10. Run migration-tool combine-indexed-and-state-data for indexed and state data (for ex: migration_indexed.borsh and migration_state.borsh).
  11. Run migration-tool migrate for previously generated migration_full.borsh.
  12. Unpause Aurora contract and Bridge.

How it works


In order to parse data, it is generally necessary to have a state snapshot of the Aurora Engine contract. This snapshot should reflect a certain state of the contract at a particular point in time. The snapshot must be provided as a json file.

Parsing essentially does the following - it collects all existing accounts and their balances, as well as proof key records. Other data are not significant.

What is this data for? To transfer the state of accounts and their balances, as well as deposit proofs from the Aurora Engine contract to the new aurora-eth-connector contract. And in this case, parsing Aurora Engine state snapshot collects the necessary data and writes it to the resulting file. The collected data is serialized by borsh.

Parse Aurora Engine contract state snapshot and store result to file serialized with borsh

Usage: aurora-engine-migration-tool parse [OPTIONS] --file <FILE>

  -f, --file <FILE>    Aurora Engine snapshot json file
  -o, --output <FILE>  Output file with results data serialized with  borsh
  -h, --help           Print help


$ aurora-engine-migration-tool parse --file engine-snaphot-2023-05-03-120132.json -o result_file.borsh

IMPORTANT NOTICE: the data that the parsing operation returns is not suitable for migration. Therefore, the command prepare-for-migration must be called before the migration. This will receive from the Aurora contract the current state of the accounts - their balances. And it is important to note that the Aurora contract must be on pause and in the READ ONLY status. Those. its state does not change. This ensures that correct data is received. Therefore, before migration, the operation of prepare-for-migration is mandatory.


How is data indexed? It is possible to index Aurora Engine contract data via NEAR RPC - mainnet, mainnet-archival (after 250000 from current block), testnet. Only successful blocks and chunks are indexed. All NEAR shards are also processed. That guarantees receipt of all necessary data. Transactions for the aurora contract are parsed. At the same time, transactions in which methods are called that only apply to eth-connector (including those related to the NEP-141 standard):

  • ft_transfer - parsed method arguments and predecessor_id. Gather only accounts.
  • ft_transfer_call - parsed method arguments and predecessor_id. Gather only accounts.
  • deposit - parsed only predecessor_id. Gather only accounts.
  • withdraw - parsed only predecessor_id. Gather only accounts.
  • finish_deposit - parsed method arguments and predecessor_id. Gather accounts and deposit proof data.
  • storage_deposit parsed method arguments and predecessor_id. Gather only accounts.
  • storage_withdraw - parsed only predecessor_id. Gather only accounts.
  • storage_unregister - parsed only predecessor_id. Gather only accounts.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: we need only accounts without balances (balances will be received with the command prepare-migrate-indexed), and proof data. You MUST run the command prepare-migrate-indexed after indexing data.

Run indexing NEAR blockchain blocks and chunks for all shards, for specific NEAR network. For Aurora Engine contract.

Usage: aurora-engine-migration-tool indexer [OPTIONS]

  -s, --stat                  Show short indexed statistic
      --fullstat              Show full indexed statistic
  -b, --block <BLOCK_HEIGHT>  Start indexing from specific block
  -h, --help                  Print help

Prepare data for migration after indexing

Data received after indexing is not suitable for migration. Therefore, the command prepare-migrate-indexed must be called before the migration. This command receive from the Aurora contract the current state of the accounts - their balances. And it is important to note that the Aurora contract must be on pause and in the READ ONLY status. Those. its state does not change. This ensures that correct data is received. Therefore, before migration after indexing, the operation of prepare-migrate-indexed is mandatory.

Prepare indexed data for migration. Should be invoked befor migration

Usage: aurora-engine-migration-tool prepare-migrate-indexed --file <FILE> --output <FILE>

  -f, --file <FILE>    File with parsed or indexed data serialized with borsh
  -o, --output <FILE>  Output file with migration results data serialized with borsh
  -h, --help           Print help


$ aurora-engine-migration-tool prepare-migrate-indexed --file indexed_data.borsh --output data_for_migration.borsh 


IMPORTANT NOTICE: there is no need to generate special data that relates to the NEP-141 storage_deposit function, since the deposit of the storage occurs through the attachment of tokens during the transaction for storage_deposit. Accordingly, there is no information about this. Those. we just need to know the account values for these functions from arguments and predecessor_id. For storage_withdraw - this function do nothing with account. storage_unregister just delete account, but we still need to know it, because we can store just zero balance. storage_unregister just remove account entity and costs nothing. In aurora-eth-connector context the deleted entity and account with zero balance has same sense.


  • --contract - contract name for migration. Ex: some-acc.testnet.
  • --signer - signer account id for migration. Ex: some-acc.testnet.
  • --key - Account private key for sign migration transactions.
  • --file - input file that contain borsh serialized data for the migration.


$ aurora-engine-migration-tool migrate --contract ${ACCOUNT_ID} --signer ${ACCOUNT_ID} --key ${ACCOUNT_KEY} --file contract_state.borsh

Features flags

This set of tools can be used for both NEAR mainten, testnet and localnet. It is important to specify the appropriate flag explicitly.

Available options:

  • mainnet - NEAR mainnet.
  • mainnet-archival - NEAR mainnet-archival (after 250000 blocks from current RPC should call archival data).
  • testnet - NEAR testnet.
  • localnet - manually started NEAR localnet.
  • log - show log data in application output.

Useful commands

  • make check - run cargo fmt and clippy for all features (default command).
  • make build-mainnet-release - build release version of application for NEAR mainnet.
  • make build-testnet-release - build release version of application for NEAR testnet.
  • migrate-testnet - build testnet release and run migration with parameters from environment:
    • --contract ${ACCOUNT_ID} - contract name for migration. Ex: some-acc.testnet.
    • --signer ${ACCOUNT_ID} - signer account id for migration. Ex: some-acc.testnet.
    • --key ${ACCOUNT_KEY} - Account private key for sign migration transactions.
    • --file contract_state.borsh - input data for migration.
  • make index-fullstat - build indexer and run full-stat command for indexer.
  • index-stat- build indexer and run short statistics for indexer.
  • index-history - build indexer and run indexing historical data.
  • make prepare-migrate-indexed - build indexer and run data preparation with params:
    • -f data.borsh - input prepared data (for example from indexer)
    • -o for-migtation.borsh - output file, that can be used to run migration.

Test via localnet

To test very basic flow, it's useful to run test script for NEAR localnet. Please make sure that python and pip is installed.

How to use test script

cd scripts