Releases: aurora-is-near/rainbow-bridge-frontend
Releases Β· aurora-is-near/rainbow-bridge-frontend
3.5.0 (2021-05-28)
Bug Fixes
- Enable browser back button. (9efa74e)
- Enable remove transfer before lock transaction is made (82e5e07)
- Handle bridging redirect (90fa12c)
- Improve tx modals (b0f366f)
- Make failed transfer from NEAR deletable. (5503293)
- Remove rainbow-bridge-cli to upgrade eth-object (b13b908)
- Upgrade nep141-erc20 with bridging redirect (35e0e75)
- Add eNEAR transfers. (8d180f0)
- Add max amount transfer (e7cdcf7)
- Add nearTxModal to BridgeIt (2387d1a)
- Add tx signing instructions modal (6b015f4)
- Display restored transfer status. (10a0e91)
- Record bridge direction in localStorage. (ffb5121)
3.4.4 (2021-04-20)
Bug Fixes
- update ethClient contract, order tokens alphabetically (11d42de)
3.4.3 (2021-04-14)
Bug Fixes
- hide transfers on landing if no transfers (7abacdb)
3.4.2 (2021-04-14)
Bug Fixes
- always display transfers page as default (7a1476f)
- enable remove transfer before lock transaction is made (621a012)
- enable restore from landing page (02e7f28)
- prevent deleting transfer if it is a withdrawal from NEAR (ea65c83)
- remove css transition on every transfers list render (ba72658)
- reset selection on erc20Modal open (2e90567)
- simplify text on token setup screen (910bdfe)
3.4.1 (2021-04-13)
Bug Fixes
- handle close modal during switch wallet, center button (39ade05)
- switch wallet from unsuported network (98b3b88)
3.4.0 (2021-04-13)
- remember custom erc20 addresses, tokens with balance on top (92111b9)
3.3.7 (2021-04-07)
Bug Fixes
- fix amount input field step/min/max rounding (a236f7d)
3.3.6 (2021-04-07)
Bug Fixes
- update client addr, delete walletconnect on disconnect (92d81ce)
3.3.5 (2021-04-07)
Bug Fixes
- fixes after rebase (d03d4d3)
- prevent user from double clicking transfer action (186bdf4)
- remove duplicate act() call (1befd94)
- upgrade web3 and walletConnect to fix getTransactionReceipt().status (8b96bec)
3.3.4 (2021-04-06)
Bug Fixes
- center bridge it! button (36253af)
- fix auto scroll and activate restore (1518374)
- fix banner warning text (52f6fbe)
- fix network dropdown display when mainnet (bd67401)