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33 labels
⬇️ affects: code (implementation)
:arrow_down: affects: code (implementation)
Affects implementation details of the code
⬇️ affects: code (interfaces)
:arrow_down: affects: code (interfaces)
Affects the way end users will interact with the library
⬇️ affects: documentation
:arrow_down: affects: documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
⬇️ affects: repo or tools
:arrow_down: affects: repo or tools
Affects the non-library tools or the repository itself
📁 kind: cleanup
:file_folder: kind: cleanup
Making the library nicer in some way, without affecting functionality much or at all
🧑⚖️ resolution: ⛔ wontfix
:judge: resolution: :no_entry: wontfix
This is not a change we are planning to make to the library
🧑⚖️ resolution: 🧪 can't repro
:judge: resolution: :test_tube: can't repro
The issue couldn't be reliably reproduced
🧑⚖️ resolution: 2️⃣ duplicate
:judge: resolution: :two: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
📝 status: needs user input
:memo: status: needs user input
We need input from the user before we can proceed
💪 effort: epic
:muscle: effort: epic
Major features that will take considerable planning and effort to add
needs root cause
needs root cause
Cases where we don't fully understand what is causing the problem
release notes: 💥 lib (breaking change)
release notes: :boom: lib (breaking change)
PR making a breaking change
release notes: 🗑️ lib (deprecation)
release notes: 🗑️ lib (deprecation)
PR deprecating library functionality
release notes: 📏 lib (new units/constants)
release notes: 📏 lib (new units/constants)
PR adding new units or constants to the library