👋 Hi, I’m @author-metadata author and lead executive director and finance director of this organization Microsoft Azure, Devops, terraform etc .
in this organization there's a couple of simple rules employees and executive branch must obey obay in order for your career
to go on without a notice of none complacence or rogue attitude while employed with Microsoft . The same of corporate information to Bloomberg or any other marketing
organization has to come through my executive branch. in witch in this small brunch will host a 2 mam or woman teams of IT executive office. in This office will have one 3
engineering executive CEO . For the end of time executive branch will run all of the IT systems. should take no more then one IT executive and 5 senor executive to run this entire company
Administration office. Therefore there will be alot a adjusting specialist to other tasks. This organization plans on challenging deep space exploration. And secure man benchmark in space
space. This read me platforms approach operation for selective special operations deep spaces gravity training academy starts next year. All IT technician needs to report to NASA for this training simulator. All IT role and duty
will change from IT administrator to IT Terraform Officers you will report to me or to NASA if you have any issues. Any major problems you'll have a SO commanding officer out of the navy to address those issues that might come up . Because this
new administration directive directory is classified or will be classified for measure of event that have not happened yet but will happen if we do not be there before it do to stop it a classified worning icon shell apply. i need executive branch to forward this notice to the white House that Microsoft is starting a special task forces to ingo new simulator courses with NASA and Space Forces to
get the problem into stage 2 . To not to do what the enemy expect use to do . So i plan on teaching next generation commander how to be in multiple places at once without giving away intentions without all the black operation tag on it all mass miss information campaign to be continued.
👀 I’m interested in ... To get humanity as a sustainable race
🌱 I’m currently learning ... Im currently learning how to address humanity as a divided faction. The mission is to get the spaces to work to a hole fraction.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on ... Im looking for a select faw to justify the real meaning of explanation . A team that can work together and train other with the in knowledge they learn
through this HALO training program. If your a IT sources then its possible that you got what it takes to be a HALO Instructor or even a next generation deep spaces engineer .
If you make it i got to worn you the next stage will blow your mind amd could defy your reality as you know it . Because no other experience will get you ready for what next.
What i can Tell you is if you pass then your days sitting behind a desk will be far from the old days
Some of you will be working in the virtual world. But this new world people can get hurt and because it the root everything you do is permanent. So this why only a few is allowed. But the rest of you will not be left out . For what don't kill you will only make you stronger. The good news is that most of you will be part of the build class .
responsible for all the software and services that goes into a lot of systems that will go on the drop shuttle.. Im sure you would like to know what the mission is..Well more good news because this is a first of its kind the away team that your going to be training will on know the mission
And the details is out of your pay rate .. So only ask questions to that relevant to your job
📫 How to reach me ... You can meet the board of directors of Space Forces at 2066379370 text im advance so i know who's calling.
😄 Pronouns: ...
⚡ Fun fact: ...
Warith Akbar Author Officers and Owner Private Equity Civilian Bloodline investment Capital INVESTIGATOR.
Post civil war refugees survivor benefits withhold .
Stargate AI
- Seattle WA
- https://task-force-geneva-6.firebaseapp.web.app.com
- https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwj6rf7SjJKKAxXfwOYEHVHXBFAQFnoECBUQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fin%2Fwarith-akbar-a61952274&usg=AOvVaw2G4HKyRep1zMMeF5gPsD7x&opi=89978449
- https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjsr9jmjJKKAxXTIzQIHRF6AVgQFnoECBYQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fpeoplesmbassador911.medium.com%2Flist%2Falvar-5b7d4582fa45&usg=AOvVaw2VHNChv6OurnXc1Tuy6rcV&opi=89978449
- https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjsnbGTjZKKAxWcDzQIHX3XKkwQFnoECBMQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fwarithakbar2&usg=AOvVaw2zAjyBNVa9GnQKFuRCYGxX&opi=89978449
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