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Migrate (as is) an existing Python Virtual Environment to Execution Environment.


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Migrate (as is) an existing Python Virtual Environment to Execution Environment.

Virtual Environment Migration tool

The purpose of this repo is to show a procedure to migrate an existing Python Virtual Environment to a new Execution Environment that can be used by Ansible Automation Platform.

In fact, the real reason for this is that a Virtual Environment can contain more things other than just python/pip packages, so they can't be migrated in a direct way.

Example Virtual Environment

To provide a complete example, a script, which is creating a new Virtual Environment and is installing the awscli v2 client into it, is provided.

# ./ 
New python executable in /root/workdir/venvtoeetest/awscliv2/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.
--2022-04-20 10:01:47--
Resolving (,,, ...
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 46919245 (45M) [application/zip]
Saving to: ‘’

100%[====================================================================================================================================================================================================>] 46,919,245  13.0MB/s   in 3.8s   

2022-04-20 10:01:51 (11.7 MB/s) - ‘’ saved [46919245/46919245]

You can now run: /root/workdir/venvtoeetest/awscliv2/bin/aws --version
aws is /root/workdir/venvtoeetest/awscliv2/bin/aws
aws-cli/2.5.6 Python/3.9.11 Linux/3.10.0-1160.45.1.el7.x86_64 exe/x86_64.rhel.7 prompt/off

Adapt the Virtual Environment to be 100% relocatable

A Virtual Environment is created in the path /path/to/the/venv, and it can't be moved/copied into any other path, so it should stop working. So, an existing Virtual Environment must be modified to be 100% relocatable, and and script for this is already provided:

# ./
Making script /root/workdir/venvtoeetest/awscliv2/bin/easy_install relative
Making script /root/workdir/venvtoeetest/awscliv2/bin/easy_install-2.7 relative
Making script /root/workdir/venvtoeetest/awscliv2/bin/pip relative
Making script /root/workdir/venvtoeetest/awscliv2/bin/pip2 relative
Making script /root/workdir/venvtoeetest/awscliv2/bin/pip2.7 relative
Making script /root/workdir/venvtoeetest/awscliv2/bin/wheel relative
Making script /root/workdir/venvtoeetest/awscliv2/bin/python-config relative

Build the new Execution Environment

The output of the last script is a tar.gz file containing the full Virtual Environment. This tar.gz file can be added to a new Execution Environment, and it can be used directly with a minimum tunning. Another script is provided to build the new Execution Environment and publish it to a private Ansible Automation Hub:

# ./ rhel83-toweri.iam.lab admin ansible-execution-env:1.0
Type the admin's password to push the image to rhel83-toweri.iam.lab: Running command:
  podman build -f context/Containerfile -t rhel83-toweri.iam.lab/ansible-execution-env:1.0 context
Complete! The build context can be found at: /root/workdir/context
Login Succeeded!
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 6b9eb06eda6e done  
Copying blob b7e6255f061b done  
Copying blob 485a40410daf skipped: already exists  
Copying blob 60609ec85f86 skipped: already exists  
Copying blob f2c4302f03b8 skipped: already exists  
Copying blob 7c371d3a5131 skipped: already exists  
Copying blob a8f52610183c done  
Copying blob 252b3f63769e done  
Copying blob 0b243fbbf3e7 done  
Copying blob e7a15343d56c done  
Copying config 63dbcbf031 done  
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures

Use the new Execution Environment

Now, the new Execution Environment can be used from an Ansible Automation Platorm:

AAP Execution Environment

AAP Execution Environment

AAP Execution Environment

The playbook executed is the following one:

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - debug:
        msg: "Version: {{ lookup('pipe', 'aws --version') }}"


Migrate (as is) an existing Python Virtual Environment to Execution Environment.







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